How do you get ahead in life when you don’t support the idea of college?

I have an associates degree but really, by then I had had enough of college. I’ve truthfully never really supported the idea of college, particularly what its become… this sort of cult-y, for profit, really just degenerate place… I just do not support or stand for a lot of things that tend to go on there. I never felt like I could be myself in so-called “educational” environments.

But now, here’s the crazy thing to me. I’m going on 10 years of being in the working world, and it’s almost like my work experience isn’t doing anything for me. I’m seeing new graduates quickly surpass me in pay with only 1 year of experience while I’m working circles around them. It’s not fair, I’m doing everything I can to try and state my case and stand up for myself, but the industry is just not in a good place right now, the political climate is awful, there’s this huge club mentality…

I’m being treated 2nd class and I hate it. Are there any ways I can get certification that acts similarly to a 4 year degree? My experience and work ethic should have said plenty to my bosses by now, but they continue to perpetuate this narrative that college is the only way. I’m so tired of it.

I feel like I’m being robbed of 10’s of thousands of dollars a year, not getting paid for the work I do. And for what, because I took a moral stance against what colleges have turned into? That’s truthfully EXACTLY how it feels to me.

How do you get ahead in life when you don’t support the idea of college?
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