I’m feeling so mentally exhausted working in a toxic environment what should I do?

Last week one of the new employees who just started didn’t come back to work as he was getting bullied by the supervisor and he spent his lunch break crying the bathroom. As I’m working I see the other workers constantly gossiping and constantly look what others are doing and when they go for a toilet break. Even when I go for my break I have to share the canteen with 2 other woman who openly just talk badly about people about their weight gain/ who got a promotion etc. I feel like I’m a very quiet worker in the company as I feel I can’t trust people in here to converse and I have just phoned in yesterday and today pulling a sickie because I just could not have the motivation to go in because of the drama. No doubt everyone will be gossiping about me because I’m absent today

I’m feeling so mentally exhausted working in a toxic environment what should I do?
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