Yes, this question was inspired by @Ez-Bri-Z_v2.
I always say "don't do the crime if you can't do the time"

Yes, this question was inspired by @Ez-Bri-Z_v2.
I always say "don't do the crime if you can't do the time"
"I know nnnothinggg" Sgt. Schultz - Hogan's Heroes
"I pity the fool" Mr. T - The A Team
Rich for a man who O. J. ed his wife !!!
Bobby Blake slew his grifter wife, Bonnie Lee Bakely, but like O. J., was acquitted of the charges by a (likely) star-struck jury.
OK, but all he needed to do was dump her ugly a**!!!
One of my favorite catchphrases is from "Friends": "How you doin'?" Joey's iconic line always adds a bit of humor to any situation. 😄 It's such a versatile phrase that can bring a smile to people's faces whenever you use it in a conversation.
"Friends" reeks. The equivalent of 1990's/early 2000's affluent white folk's segregation. A quarter-black city like NYC, and they know ZERO POC?
Lots. Though usually this tends to be a specific episode sometimes over a general catchphrase, but I guess it works either way. And it's a mixture of movies and TV shows.
It's a lot of classic Warner Brother's "Bugs Bunny" cartoons. Simpsons, Futurama, a short lived animated show called Freakazoid, and a show called The Critic. Lots of Kids in the Hall ("I crush your head!" "I darn near puked" (this one comes up quite often, surprisingly). Some from the old show Get Smart. Lots of MST3k. I especially find Crows impression of John Hurt's Joe Merrick ("The elephant Man") quite funny, so it's talking like that. "This potatoes got big ears." "Like hell. More food." These tend to be the most common. Just stuff that I found funny that got into my head, and sometimes I'm like... Ok... where did THAT come from? and then I realize its from something like The Critic (Like I say "Hotchie Motchie" quite a bit. Then I realized recently it was from The Critic.) Some SNL. Lots of Monty Python. Yes, I am a HUGE nerd.
Hmmm…off the top of my head, from Letterkenny, the hockey coach’s “IT’S FUCKIN’ EMBARRASSING!!!” is one I say a lot….
This guy is such a great character😂
Another one I say from him a lot is “LEARN HOW TO FUCKIN’ DRIVE!!!”, at random moments😝 I guess it’s more in the context of other characters saying it mockingly though…'ve said a few every once in a while.
"Sheesh. What a grouch..." - The Honeymooners (1950s).
"This isn't any ordinary darkness... this is advanced darkness" - Spongebob
"Holy Macanoli" - Punky Brewster
Phonetically Ya-neverdrdrd know! (Scots accent) from some old Star Trek episode when something unpredicted happens. I use that often and I have infected others who get it.
"Beam me up Scottie..." (and from the same series... "Fly her apart, then!") -- funnier in context.
At work, when we are having discussions, I sometimes pull a Police Lieutenant Joe Friday (from Dragnet). "Just the facts, <ma'am or sir>".
I always say " did I do that " in a particular person's whining voice. Can you guess who it is?
"Boy howdy!," Heath from The Big Valley.
"Hey Jake," the new husband of Rene Russo, ex wife to Tom Berenger in Major League.
I use various forms of "I'm the greatest" by Bender from Futurama.
I think I quote movies more than anything else. I use "Knowudduhmean?" from the Ernest movies a lot.
"Giddy up"! Cosmo Kramer from Seinfeld.
I'd use "Rawhide" but hate glass in my eye. use plenty from the Sopranos most of which is too coarse to type here
Far more from films to be honest
" Book em Danno "
" Sorry about that Chief " - Get Smart
"Finest kind!" from M*A*S*H
Perhaps it was in the book.
Oh yes, a book and a movie and a TV program.
Wuchoo talkin’ ‘bout Willis?
I don't use catch phrases per se. But I do have a closet full of movie lines committed to memory that I use in various applicable situations.
"Imagine if you will..."
“The game is on.” from Sherlock
what's happening
Bite my shiny metal ass!
Life is short life is shit and soon it will be over.
That was a good series!
That’s what she said
"is that your final answer?"
no, never
Hack the planet!!!
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