Do you have a catchphrase? Something you're known for saying often?


Do you have a word or phrase you unintentionally say often or use a lot?
If so, what is your often-used word or phrase?

Apparently, I have a few. I use "literally" a lot (although not incorrectly; I don't use "literally" figuratively.) I dismiss people I'm not trying to argue with, with "If you say so." And I used to say "whatever" a lot to dismiss people or arguments I didn't have the energy for, which was often in Philly.

I was thinking of memories of my ex partner last night before sleep, and I remember this minor argument we had on height. She was 6'3½" and I'm 4.5 inches shorter than she was, which I consider short, but she thought was in the ideal height range for men (5'9" to 6'1", in her opinion.) She was telling me not to worry about 'trivial things' like height. I just remembered how she used to always cheer-up me and other people, by often saying
"You got this!" as words of encouragement. I didn't remember it until now. Now I'm wondering how I forgot what her catchphrase was.

Just posting a random Dall-E pic of her, cause I got nothing better to put here.
Just posting a random Dall-E pic of her, cause I got nothing better to put here.
Do you have a catchphrase? Something you're known for saying often?
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