Babies are so cute!


Babies are the most innocent,loving,cute little creatures that should be loved and protected by us.<3 <3

Babies are so cute!

It might have something to do with the fact that i've worked in a nursery school in the past but i really love little kids! Kids are awesome...(even tho i know that a lot among you may say that kids poop a lot and cry all day)

Why are they so awesome to me??

Babies are so cute!

1. They "train" me for later on lol.(in this way i'' learn how to take care of mines later on)

2. They help us to explore that childish side of our personality.

Babies are so cute!

3. We have a nice time with them to help them develop.

4. You can see them make their first move; saying their first words.

5. You can hold them in your arms.

Babies are so cute!

6. We can take care of them (feed them/change their nappies).

Babies are so cute!

7. Seeing them growing their first teeth.

8. Interacting with their parents everyday about their activities.

9. Care for them when they are sick.

10. And also looking at those little angels when they sleep.

Babies are so cute!

So you like babies?

Babies are so cute!

Babies are so cute!
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