
Six Important Rules I Live By


Here are 6 important rules I live by. If you are interested in the rules I live by, I encourage you to read my post.

1. Don't Associate with People Who Get My Name Wrong

I strongly despise people who get my name wrong because I find it insulting & annoying. Therefore, I won't associate with people who get my name wrong to maintain my sanity & tranquility.

Importance of Pronouncing Names Correctly
Importance of Pronouncing Names Correctly

2. Don't Associate with People Who Change Plans at The Last Minute

I dislike people who change plans at the last minute because I see them as immature, irresponsible, and or untrustworthy people. Hence, I won't associate with people who change plans at the last minute.

Last Minute Change of Plans: One of My Pet Peeve
Last Minute Change of Plans: One of My Pet Peeve

3. Don't Ridicule People for Being a Picky Eater

I don't ridicule people for being picky eaters because they might have a sensory issue, digestive problem, or allergic to particular ingredients. By not ridiculing people for being picky eaters, I will have an easier time maintaining a friendship.

Picky Eater In a Nutshell
Picky Eater In a Nutshell

4. Trust Brain Over "Heart" or "Gut Instinct"

I take action(s) based on evidence because I know that following "gut instinct" or "heart" is a recipe for failure. Therefore, I want to associate or work with people who trust their brain over "gut instinct" or "heart".

Trusting My Brain = Higher Chance of Success
Trusting My Brain = Higher Chance of Success

5. Don't Associate with People Who Like to Banter

I maintain distance from people who like to banter because I know they're incompatible with me. By maintaining distance from people who like to banter, I can retain my reserved & serious demeanor.

Banter = My Pet Peeve #2
Banter = My Pet Peeve #2

6. Ignore People Who Tell Me to Leave My Comfort Zone

I ignore people who tell me to leave my comfort zone because I value tranquility more than growth. By ignoring people who tell me to leave my comfort zone, I will have less stress to deal with.

Staying In My Comfort Zone = Maintaining My Tranquility
Staying In My Comfort Zone = Maintaining My Tranquility
Six Important Rules I Live By
10 Opinion