I’d try to get along with them.
I’d cut them out of my life.
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I am still a kid so I won't have them but my parents have those toxic relatives. He was my dad's brother and he was manager of our business but he took the advantage to get extra money from the honest account's staff threatening him to fire him if he doesn't gives him money. My mom noticed irregularities in the bank and told to my dad and then they put security cameras in the showroom. They already suspected and knew that who was behind this mess but they couldn't do anything than giving warning because my dad's brother is favorite son of grandfather for some reasons and grandpa won't be very happy if they did something to him. So like my parents taught me they tolerated it all until one day when they found out that he also had many loans on him which he couldn't pay back and took the loan saying "My brother would pay it". It was a very huge amount and after few weeks when my dad didn't paid much attention on the showroom where he was manager my parents suffered a huge loss and this all was done in a very clever way and the costumers also had to show up and all. And when grandpa said to pay the loan of my uncle my dad had enough of this and fired him and didn't really cared about grandpa. And then a whole lot drama happened but now all is ok. So I think the answer should be sustaining till it is too much.
I would cut them out. I don't need more negativity in my life and I don't want to be around people who don't like me.
Most of my " family" members are toxic and I'm planning on cutting them off once I leave the country.
It depends entirely on the nature of 'Toxic' and more importantly the effect they have on your life.
If you've got an uncle who is just obnoxious, unpleasant, rude and you don't have to see him regularly. It's not the end of the world if you continue to invite them to big family things (if he can behave himself).
If it's a family member with whom you have a long and trauma-filled history then that's very different.
I think the key is to think about it from the perspective of "What is best for MY mental well-being".
It makes sense to try if there's a prospect of things becoming less toxic. If there's some relationship which you determine is worth making an attempt to make less toxic, and the other person is willing to work to hopefully change things (say, a child trying to form an adult relationship with a parent when things were toxic between you in the past).
If you're talking about a toxic family member who is truly toxic. Then maintaining a relationship with that person is doing nothing but harm to you. It might be difficult, but I would think it's better in the long-term to cut-them out and be free of their negative effects on your life.
Please note. I have never had to do this.
Well I do have a toxic family, parents and brother. I have as good as cut them out of my life, but because of some stupid misguided notion of responsibility to them, I still go and make sure they have the things they need once a week. But believe me it's not a social visit and I communicate with them as little as possible while I am there. I basically do what needs doing like taking care of paperwork, a bit of cleaning, and cook and serve a proper meal then I leave, I don't even stay to eat with them. I hate myself for still going there every week.
They know very little about me these days, they know where I live, but have never been inside my home. They know nothing about my life or my job, and they only found out I was divorced because my aunt told my dad (her brother). I'm basically waiting for them to die so I can be done with them once and for all, I know that sounds horrible, but you have no idea what assholes these people are.
They already cut ME out of their life. The one in the middle is just a piece of shit who thinks he can do no wrong, and the other has his balls in his wife's purse in Gettysburg. She has had a stick up her ass with me since the day she met me. She had always hoped I would get cut out of the picture, when HERS is so ugly she shattered the glass in the damn frame!! But the oldest won't stand up to her, so he just goes along with her in doing anything where I won't be.
somewhere in the middle... I have relatives that are a little bit but not fully toxic, and I made it very clear to them that I won't stand for any of their shit, ever... so they just don't mess with me, we get along enough to be in the same room... and whatever petty stuff they try I just ignore it... lol
It depends. If I live near those family members or if I run into them I would try my best to get along with them. But if I'm far away from them I would cut them out of my life
Family is family, my dad did that with his middle brother, he was a bit of a trouble maker… but they didn’t talk for 20 years…and brother ended up dying.
But I wouldn’t just cut someone out of my life like that. Though I guess some people have their reasons, so no judgement.
I wouldn't totally cut them out, I would talk to them on holidays, if they come around but that would be it. They won't be invited over for game nite, beers, bbqs and that stuff.
I try to get along with my toxic parents, but there's only so much I can do on my end, and if they don't want to return the effort... Well, it's not my problem any longer
I have an older brother, who, at times, is a gaping asshole, not to be tolerated by just about everybody around him. I just do the best I can with him and tolerate his bullshit as much as possible.
I’d like to say I’d cut them out but if I’m being honest with myself I’d probably still try and keep a connection
I cut them out and don't have anything to do with them. Some have since died and I don't care because of the way they behaved in the past.
I stopped talking to my brother 8 years ago when my mother died. I dropped one of my good friends too. I don't need toxic people in my life.
I would attempt to get along with them. If after sometime things didn't change I would cut them lose.
My grandparents were republicans and voted republican no matter who was on the card. That meant I had to at least try and get along with them my entire life.
Cut them out. My entire family has cut out one of my Aunts
I'd still try to get along with them but there is ones I had to cut out of my life
I have cut tiers with family members. The 2016 election sealed their fates
Just because they're blood related, doesn't mean they're worth keeping in touch.
I put her in a care home
It was that or walking out of the forest alone…again
cut them out, i have a low tolerance for bs like that
You may have a second lover or friend, but they will not be your second parents, appreciate them.
I have not talked to my brother for 5 years.
I tried, but ultimately cut them
I’d try my best to get along with them.
TRY, but past a certain point I CUT THEM OFF!
Get along with them
Depends why toxic
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