What relationship is my cousin's child to me? Does anyone know how to call them? Are they my niece or sth else?
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What relationship is my cousin's child to me? Does anyone know how to call them? Are they my niece or sth else?
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Niblings (nieces and nephews) are the children of your siblings. Cousins are a little more complicated, but here's how it works (note that this is the American way, which, like most American ways, is simpler and more coherent than the way it's done in the rest of the world): look backwards to find the closest common ancestor, then count the Gs. For example, my cousin Erin is the daughter of my father's sister- our closest common ancestor is a grandparent; one G, so we're first cousins. My father's first cousin Debbie has a son named Carl- we have no grandparents in common, but share great-grandparents; two Gs, so we're second cousins.
But what about when you're dealing with different generations? If Erin has a baby, what is it to me? Our closest common ancestor is a grandparent to me, but a great-grandparent to him. In such a case, you count from the younger generation, and add a "removed" for each step. Thus, Erin's theoretical child would be my second cousin (two Gs, for the great-grandparent), plus one removal for the generation gap). Likewise, my father's cousin Chris is my second cousin once removed, since our shared ancestor is his grandparent and my great-grandparent, and Chris's kids are simply my second cousins, since we're of the same generation.
Your first cousin's children are first cousins once removed.
Niece and nephew
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