My best friend now seems to like my sister more than me :(

it makes me really sad. I met my best friend in 11th grade. Me and my sister went to different schools at the time. My best friend is a year younger than me (lets call her J) and my sister is 2 years younger than me (lets call her T). I never had a friend like J. We became best friends instantly and always confided in each other, helped each other when going through a hard time, and had fun. So anyway, then next year I became a senior, J was in 11th grade and T was in 10th. That year, J came to our school. We all hung out together, but it was always that me and J were best friends and T was my sister who also hung out with us sometimes. We are all really close, but me and J were always closer than J and T. But this year, I went to college, and they're both at the same school. My sister is more silly & outgoing, and I'm more of a trustworthy/always there for you type. I guess it makes sense, but it still makes me feel horrible that it really seems that J likes T more and finds her more fun. Its just that I feel like I'm losing J, and me and T have kind of faded our close sister relationship because we're really different and argued too much throughout high school. I don't know how to describe how I feel. Its like the friend version of a heartbreak. I don't have other friends like J, and T has lots of great friends (even though she doesn't appreciate it). Idk...i know I'm just being an idiot but I feel like T stole J from me. And T is probably definitely more fun than me(even though I lived with her all of my life until this year so I know she's really an immature, careless bitch). Ugh I just don't know how to get over this. Has anyone else been through a similar situation? :(
My best friend now seems to like my sister more than me :(
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