Yellow Eyeshadow: How to Combine Vibrant With Neutral

Yellow eye-shadow, whether it's bright and bold or dimmed and gold-toned - it's beautiful!

It mostly works on brown eyes, but any eye color could carry it off - especially deep blue eyes.

When using a bright eye-shadow keep in mind it's going to draw the eye to your eyes, so don't go overboard with the rest of your face, in fact, the less you have on otherwise - the better!

Yellow Eyeshadow: How to Combine Vibrant With Neutral

So, since yellow eye-shadow prefers a naturally understated healthy glow it's up to you - as a makeup wearer, to keep your skin healthy and hydrated, so never forget to use cream in the mornings and evenings!

Yellow Eyeshadow: How to Combine Vibrant With Neutral

If you feel like you need some more makeup and you feel like you wouldn't survive without visible blush and lipstick, then I suggest something in the pink, deeper flesh color which will still pair nicely and won't compete with the yellow.

Yellow Eyeshadow: How to Combine Vibrant With Neutral

For those who only want a bit of yellow, or for the fairer skinned and eyed, I suggest lining your eyes - on top, on bottom, or both if you please. Don't go too out of your comfort zone, but don't be afraid to try something different.

Yellow Eyeshadow: How to Combine Vibrant With Neutral
Using the yellow as a sort of highlight will work really well on warm toned people. Vanessa Hudgens is a perfect example here!

Yellow Eyeshadow: How to Combine Vibrant With Neutral

Lining the eyes withing deeper toned women may be the way to go if you want to keep it understated, or want to use some deeper colors for the rest of your face - the eye will be drawn everywhere simultaneously and will create a retro feel - most times.

Yellow Eyeshadow: How to Combine Vibrant With Neutral
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