My sight is completely set on summer 2021, after this whole Pandemic issue starting from 2020, I have a huge desire to dress up again stronger than ever and we can finally (Maybe) enjoy this summer more than the last one.
Let's admit , we all deserve it
Growing up in a fashionista ambience and spirit, I noticed that we're going back in time more and more each year, and I couldn't agree more. The only difference is that the new era added more flavor to your old school, bold and vintage clothing.
This Summer, the choice is limitless as long as you say yes to WIDE and OVERSIZE, from tropical multipattern to sinlge colors. Here is a list that will sum everything up.
Tropical Long Dress for day and night hangouts, I bought a few of these dresses also the very same on the picture below, and I must say I feel really comfortable in them. Also they spread the aura of Tropical and Sweet Breeze. Lets eat Mango while grooving to some tango anyone?

Gypsy Groove and Fun, I think these dresses are absolutely cool, there are so many varieties, I would suggest to not use multiple colors on these ones, stick to single colors in order to keep it simple yet elegant since the dresses already have tons of patterns that differ from one another.

S.S.S: Simple, Smooth and Soft colors for those that are not a fan of multicolors and patterns, which is Understandable, sometimes I get fed up of them myself. Simple and soft colors are the easiest to wear and to abine. I would suggest to wear a dress like the one below with White or Black converse, trust me, it looks amazing. Obviously sandals do too.

Wide summer pants !! I can't get enough of them, they keep you fresh and they make you look fresh. Wide hips? No problem in that case get lower cut Wide Pants with a softer fabric, or high waist that have rigid material. Either way, I suggest to not buy them online, please try them on, because if the cut is not right they will look terrible. Either way, they look great with everything on top, it can be a corset or a cool t-shirt, as long as it's either tucked inside or a little shorter.

The so called "Caftan" is making a huge trend this summer, because we want to be comfortable, we want to feel free, we want to feel the fresh breeze. This dress as boring as it might look, it's a total eyecatcher, simply worn with either lace sandals or sneakers.

Boyfriend Jeans for your daily routines, especially when the weather is not playing a summery role here. Honestly, I wear them even during night-outs with some nice lace top. WHY NOT

Staying and working from home during the pandemic must have influenced many fashion designers. Also because oversized and comfy Sweatpants are being designed in more and more creative ways than ever.

Sticking to the Oversized theme, This is one of my favourite, oversized Blazers, according to me blazers just go with everything and every occasion.

Sorbet Pastel tones are just there to smoothen our situation right? I mean don't these colors remind you of candy and soft things? These colors will always be a trend according to me also because PASTEL can be every color not just pink and blue.

This is just a very very short list of trends for this year, but are my personal favourite. Trust me If I have to expand the ideas and styles that go around this year, it would take you a whole day to read this MyTake.
But yes, I totally am a FAN of this years trend, I have nothing against short skirts or short shorts, but immagine adding an oversized blazer with it?
I think it's important to be brave and creative at the same time. Have some Fashion play time with yourself or with your friends. It will widen your Ideas, because even if you think you have NOTHING TO WEAR, try to mix them up and see what comes out.
Thank you again for your trust and time
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