Hi I've been dating my boyfriend for a couple of years now and he recently informed me that he has always been attracted to blondes but dates brunettes. Why would he say that to me if I'm a brunette? It is true everyone he has dated has been brunette and he has never dated a blond. Should I change my hair color? But more importantly why would this man who tells me often that I'm everything he wants and needs imply he wants me to change? Then when I asked him about changing my haircolor he got pissed off. "Don't you dare do that!" then he changed the subject.What should I do just change my hair high lifted. It's more of a light brown I've been blond (long ago and he never knew that) and it was simple with highlights (jen Aniston).
+1 y
Update I am completely blond and he loves it in private but doesn't like all the male attention combo'd with my 34 d's. I guess sometimes what people want isn't really what they want.I appreciated all your advice. Thanks!
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