Ladies, do you remove your body hair? Would you consider abandoning this trend & keeping your body hair?

Ladies, most, if not all, of us have shaved our legs, armpits, vag, arms, etc, all in the name of a fashion trend that has been around A CENTURY.
When clothing started becoming more revealing, meaning short-sleeved/sleeveless dresses & shorter hemlines, the fashion industry started telling women that they needed to remove their body hair to appear more "feminine". While in the 1920s, & before, it was headline news when a women shaved her body hair & cut herself, but now it's considered weird if a female DOESN'T shave.
The idea of femininity being linked to hairlessness is just as ridiculous as the myth that women don't poop. 🙄
You know who doesn't have hair growing everywhere?
Why do women feel like they should look like children when they are fully grown? The Shaving Industry & Marketing... & 100 years worth of conditioning girls & guys into thinking that gals having body hair is gross.

I shave, use hair removal creams & the Flawless hair removal products, but I am seriously considering making the switch to stop shaving all together so I stop wasting money on those products & stop letting the marketing companies define what makes me, & all us ladies, "womanly".
Why not accept the fact that body hair DOES have a purpose, is a natural part of being a mammal (yes, even "hairless" mammals actually have SOME hair, even dolphins & whales have hair as fetuses before growing their blubber reserves) & that evolution has kept our species furry for a reason?

To each their own, though. It's your body, what you decide to do with it is your business. I just find it fascinating how this trend has evolved into what we see today & that ladies are, albeit slowly, moving away from it while men are embracing "manscaping".

So ladies, do you remove your body hair? Would you stop doing so if you felt so inclined?
Ladies, do you remove your body hair? Would you consider abandoning this trend & keeping your body hair?
3 Opinion