Why do some people look beautiful effortlessly while others need to put in effort to be on a similar level?

I am not talking make up and apparel-though that definitely contributes- but I'm talking working out, diet, clear complexion, sleep, and so forth. I always hear that beauty sleep is called beauty sleep for a reason and that you are what you eat but I have cousins and great friends who eat like shit and go days sometimes with barely exercise, get any sleep regularly (with the aid of drugs and shit like Redbulls) that look amazing as hell -like a model. But I have other friends who if they were to get sloppy would look "okay" at best and in order to look above average, have to work out consistently, eat good, sleep good, etc.

OhoOh and some no matter how they try just never quite look "great" by society's standards
Why do some people look beautiful effortlessly while others need to put in effort to be on a similar level?
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