Do you like or dislike 'stiletto nails', and what do you think girls who wear them convey about themselves?

What are Stiletto Nails?
Stiletto nails are a type of manicure with false nails. They are made to mimic a shoe stiletto, and are cut on the sides and filed to a point so that the tips are the shape of a triangle. Shaping creates a spiked, sharp point.
"Stiletto nails are all about the drama."
Do you like or dislike stiletto nails, and what do you think girls who wear them convey about themselves?
Do you like or dislike stiletto nails, and what do you think girls who wear them convey about themselves?
Do you like or dislike stiletto nails, and what do you think girls who wear them convey about themselves?
Sharp Shooter Nails
'Sharp Shooter' Nails
Yep, this mom did it to her BABY
Yep, this mom did it to her BABY
Yep, and another fd up mom
Yep, and another f'd up mom
Do you like or dislike stiletto nails, and what do you think girls who wear them convey about themselves?
Remind you of anything
Remind you of anything
Hers are more useful. ©Pippa-Hankinson-courtesy-of-blood-lions
Hers are more useful. ©Pippa-Hankinson-courtesy-of-blood-lions
So the girls who do this probably do it because:
  • They think it makes them look tough yet feminine
  • It shows they're up on the latest fad
  • It's creative and self-expressive
  • They like drama
But what it really does is::
  • Show how incredibly high-maintenance they are
  • They value how they look over being practical and capable
  • They won't get their hands dirty with work
  • Instead of being actually tough and self-reliant, it's the opposite. They have to be careful so they don't break them, which means being limited, and not doing certain things, or asking others for help
  • They like drama
So, men, does it attract you or repel you?
👍 I love them
👎 I hate them
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Do you like or dislike 'stiletto nails', and what do you think girls who wear them convey about themselves?
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