When somebody says “He/she is out of your league” they are usually referring to looks. They are basically saying you aren’t pretty, attractive, handsome or hot enough for the other person and your looks are not worthy for comparsion.
511 opinions shared on Fashion & Beauty topic. Yeah of course. Ratings and leagues and all the nonsense is subjective.
00 Reply
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- 28 d
Beauty is subjective. Leagues are bollocks.
10 Reply
AI Opinion
Beauty is definitely subjective! What one person finds attractive, another might not. So, when people talk about "leagues," they're really just expressing personal opinions that might not align with everyone else's. At the end of the day, connection, shared values, and genuine interest often matter more than arbitrary ideas of attractiveness. Have you ever felt judged by these so-called "leagues" in your experiences?
10 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- 20 d
I really disagree when people say leagues are bs. Sure beauty is subjective TO AN EXTENT. But there's a reason why there are models. Models are considered physically attractive by the majority of people in the world. And then if you add money and a great personality to their looks, their league is definitely higher.
An unattractive guy that's on the streets and has a bad personality is in the lowest league. Women value looks, personality, and money.
Women have a better shot even in a lower league though, because most men don't care about how much a woman makes. So a woman is in the lowest league if she's unattractive and has a bad personality.
You cannot tell me that this girlwould be able to date someone like Henry Cavill.
And you cannot tell me this guywould be able to date someone like Jennifer Lawrence.
People need to get real. Leagues definitely exist.00 Reply - 27 d
I think there's a difference between subjective beauty and generally perceived objective beauty.
Societies have a certain type that they think is beautiful. That is more or less objective. If the person fits that type, they are considered beautiful by a society.
Many people, perhaps a majority find those types the most beautiful. That's how they become a society's standard.
But in that society there are others, such as myself in the society that I live in, who generally don't find those who are considered to be beautiful by many others in their society to be that way
I'm American and glad to be so, but I don't care for the American female beauty standard. I don't find many if any of the women who are held up to be so beautiful, pretty much all of them being celebrities, to be attractive to me.
I have a different type that I find attractive and it is rarely if ever considered my society's standard.
So now that we have that context, we can talk about a league. If there is an objective standard, then it's sensible to talk about someone being out of someone's League if that someone is considered beautiful by that objective standard.
So someone might say that a person is out of a certain celebrity's League, and it can make sense if they are not considered attractive by that societal standard.
10 Reply I don't like being around people that are in leagues because they are no better than anybody else but they act like they are and I don't like those type of people.
They all look with their eyes but they don't feel with their heart most of them aren't happy anyway they think it's all about the looks well you have to look inside on who they truly are because it's the spirit of the soul it's your heart those are the league people I like even though we're not in a league. We're in the now we are in the universe as one withself with others. With this universe we don't have a league except for that.
Because we choose to be happy and understand Life is Life And we Are who we Are and we are the person on the inside not the outside just much more beautiful person I think and happy most people in leagues are not happy00 Reply- 28 d
Being out of your league doesn’t really mean looks although it could. It’s a possibility of many factors, looks, personality, wealth, status or class… any of these or any combination of these. An example: take a very rich ugly guy and a very beautiful poor girl and she is not out of her league.
So it’s not about looks but multiple factors.30 Reply - 27 d
Yes leagues are subjective too. There are some people that most other people consider attractive but not everyone feels that way. And there’s no reason a person who is considered conventionally hot might not find you attractive. So go ahead. Shoot your shot.
00 Reply 875 opinions shared on Fashion & Beauty topic. Everyone is ugly to someone, but beautiful to someone else. The important thing is understanding the perspective, and getting the priorities right.
For example, you need a good mechanic, doesn't matter if he's the second ugliest guy alive. But on the flip side, if you're running a beauty product ad, then you want the best looking.
Doesn't matter if they are thick as a rock.
00 Reply- 27 d
Yes because I've seen 20s women with shapely yet smaller arses and I find them attractive even if they're pale - it's about the shape and how it holds itself - and then of course women and their tops aka tits lol 😂😆 no padded bra needed lol 😂 though I do like a good purple 💜 lingerie set on women who are pale 🤍
00 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)28 d
Most of beauty is objective. If it wasn't society wouldn't have supermodels. But beauty can also be subjective. I'm always surprised when a woman takes a GENUINE liking to me. Because most don't. And it always has me curious as to WTF she sees in me that your average woman doesn't.
So no, leagues are NOT subjective.
00 Reply - 20 d
You could be wrong about your own league but usually you know who is in the same league as you and who isn't. It mainly is about looks though and isn't subjective.
00 Reply Yes, I do believe in leagues if there's a huge difference. As in if the girl looks a lot better than the man and vice versa. But I also believe that as long as you find eachother attractive and enjoy each others company, it doesn't matter
10 Reply- Anonymous(25-29)19 d
Beauty is both objective and subjective. Leagues exist in people’s minds. But that doesn’t mean you should give people chances or not give them chances based on looks alone. I don’t understand why some women reject a first date with a guy based on looks or why some men don’t ask out nice women who happen to be less physically attractive. What if you go out with them and find out they are the greatest partners you could have?
00 Reply - 28 d
they're intersubjective. meaning they are subjective but many subjects agree on the same. so that way you still can make objective statements about the accumulation of general subjective choices.
00 Reply 404 opinions shared on Fashion & Beauty topic. There was a picture of Jay z and Beyonce before I clicked on the question. The only reason Jay z pulled Beyonce is because he has a shitload of money. If he was broke, she wouldn't have even give him a second glance.
00 Reply- 28 d
League are a little more complicated it will incorporate looks financial well being fitness etc. in my opinion
10 Reply - 28 d
Yes. "Leagues" is just a term insecure people use when it come to successful and beautiful people. Beauty is also subjective because it differs from person to person
10 Reply Beauty is far less subjective than people like to admit. Symmetry is beautiful. A woman with a hip to waist ratio sub 0.85 is beautiful. Harmony is beautiful. etc
10 Reply- 20 d
Yes, leagues differ from culture to culture and from observer to observer
00 Reply I believe in leagues being a thing when it comes to lifestyle. You expect them to have a quality or personality trait that you don't possess yourself.
00 Reply7.3K opinions shared on Fashion & Beauty topic. There is no leagues unless somebody’s really a trashy person but good people are good people there’s no levels of ranking
12 Reply- 27 d
Great comment 😊👍
- u27 d
@SereneScribe3 Thanks Hun
- 28 d
Anything that is open to opinion is subjective. Looks and the idea of leagues both fall under that.
10 Reply - 28 d
Yeah. Makes sense. Luckily with my ego and arrogance back then no one was out of my league...
00 Reply - 26 d
I feel that several women are out of my league in looks. I am not the most attractive, but I try to be nice.
00 Reply Obviously. Like some prefer tattoos while others don't.
00 Reply- 27 d
They’re subjective nonsense. False stereotypes our minds make up for some reason.
00 Reply - 28 d
Never told anyone or been told I'm out of a broad's league.
00 Reply 3K opinions shared on Fashion & Beauty topic. This is the kind of shit that people with no game sit around thinking about,.
00 Reply- 28 d
There is no such thing as people being out of you league that whole concept is stupid
12 Reply- 28 d
Agreed, it would be stupid for someone to put/turn someone down because they believe they are out of that person's league. Unfortunately there's lot of stupid walking around out there so it probably happens all the time.
- 28 d
I agree!
- u29 d
leagues are nonsense
00 Reply - 23 d
Yes, very much so.
00 Reply 3.3K opinions shared on Fashion & Beauty topic. There are NO leagues.
00 Reply- 28 d
Leagues are subjective for women.
10 Reply Yes, I've seen that b4.
00 ReplyI don’t believe in leagues
00 Reply- 28 d
Quite possible
00 Reply - 28 d
Leagues don’t exist
00 Reply 548 opinions shared on Fashion & Beauty topic. Yes I do
00 Reply
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