Why do things go in and out of style? Does that seem a little ridiculous to anyone else?

i'm a pretty well-dressed guy, and I keep fairly up with what is and isn't cool to wear, but one thing that really irritates me is changing styles. for two reasons: a) it sucks that half of your wardrobe is worthless every 5 years, and b) a lot of it comes back in style later on down the line, so why abandon it in the first place? it just seems stupid to me to have to be in a fairly constant state of adaptation.

i don't have any problem with new styles coming out, I just don't understand why they have to render the old ones no good. if something looks good on one day, why does it look bad on another? the only reason we make fun of clothes from years past is because our perception of style is influenced by current standards. but when I look back, I love the clothes I wore in 1990, 1995, 2000, and 2005. two years ago I could only wear 2005-era stuff. now I can't wear that, but a lot of the 1990 stuff is cool again. what? I'm at the store and I'm like "hey! I remember "snapbacks!" in my day, we called them 'hats'." if it's coming back around eventually, why can't it just be a cumulative effort? we could still have fitted hats, fedoras, etc, and all could and should be an acceptable option.

why can't 1970s bellbottoms, 1980s track suits, 1990s baggy jeans, and 2000s Abercrombie all coexist without ridicule? if people never stopped wearing that stuff we'd never get to the point where it looked strange. just doesn't make sense to me to be constantly shifting something that at the end of the day is fairly trivial. and who has the say as to when and what things become fashionable or unfashionable? if the answer has anything to do mimicking celebrities, I might just kill myself if that's the world we live in, haha.

Why do things go in and out of style? Does that seem a little ridiculous to anyone else?
7 Opinion