His eyes sparkle when he looks at me.

This guy and I have never officially dated, but I'm pretty sure he was interested in me at least at some point in time. I have been interested in him for about two years now and I have no idea why he has captured my heart. Anyways, I don't get to see him very often, but every time he looks at me his eyes have so much intensity and they sparkle. It is almost like his eyes say what his lips won't or are afraid to say. I swear he looks at me like when a guy sees his first Lamborghini. He is very shy though. He has also done and said some tell-tale things in the past that gives me clues that he very much has been paying attention to my likes, dislikes and remembers a lot of things I have said in the past. I would love to go after him myself and pursue him, but I pointed out the pink elephant a year ago and that didn't go as I had hoped. He said he wasn't looking for anything at that time and we were just friends, but admitted he had considered there being more between us as well. He avoided me for awhile after that, but now things are back to normal. And the way he looks at me... his eyes say everything, but nothing happens. What in the world is going on?!
His eyes sparkle when he looks at me.
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