The Personality Synthesizer

Have you ever wanted a practical way to apply the thoughts of Psychology to the people around you? Have you ever wanted to be able to manipulate someone, and read their body language easily?
What follows is an account of a creation to aid in the understanding of people. Not just the people you know around you intimately, but also the ones you meet for the first time.

One of the most important aspects of this clock, is that it has a way to determine compatibility. It will tell you who you are most compatible with, so all you need to do is become proficient in its use.

This is a long account however, so only read it if you have some time, but the information posted is valid and it will be worth your while to read it.

First, the most important concept, is the structure of the human personality and in all cases personalities. Each person is made up of 3 layers, the Outer Layer, the Inner Layer and the Core. This is nothing new, people have thought of a human like this before.

The Outer Layer
The Outer Layer is what someone appears to be at first glance. They say first impressions are everything, and a first impression is made up of entirely someone's outer layer. it is the face that someone wears in public, it may hide things, it may reveal things, but ultimately the Outer Layer is your first appearance, regardless of what is under it.

The Inner Layer
The Inner Layer is the interior of a person. Once you get to know someone really well as friends, you see the outer and inner layer blend together, and the person you are speaking to will almost always become more personable the more you know them. The thought behind this is that no person is exclusively shallow, it is a common thought of humans to have dreams and aspirations, and this is the inner layer. Someone in a relationship will wear their inner layer with their partner most of the time, and will only seldom don the outer layer. The Inner Layer is entirely Opposite of the Outer Layer.

The Core
The Core is what a person's heart is. Ultimately though, the core is the same as the Outer Layer, meaning that yes, you can judge a book by it's cover. Ultimately, no matter how deep someone is, they will always be the same person you meet when you first greet their Outer Layer. The fact that the Core and Outer Layer are the same is important as well.

OK, so we have the personality layers defined, and now we get to move onto the Underlying theory for all of this, the...

"Theory of Opposites"

Commonly referred to the old adage "opposites attract." For whatever reason, this appears to be quite true with this entire personality model. Any examples you can share that prove otherwise would be welcomed.

The thought is, that any two personalities that are completely opposite in every way will be attracted to one another. It is a fairly basic concept, but it crucial to the functioning of this model.

This is where the use of the clock comes in.

The clock is a universal object that most people can relate to, it has a uniform face, even divisions, and is going to be consistent anywhere in the world. It is BY NO MEANS a solid as stone model that works in every circumstance. However, the original intent of this model was not to come up with a solid, permanent method of categorizing people. not at all.

It all began with a rather selfish motive- to figure out an effective method for manipulation that could be easily imparted from a third person view onto another person, or could be used myself. Manipulation was the starting intent, but It has grown, and become more marketable as a device for "relationship predicting" and categorizing people. It was intended to be easy to use, and not just to be analyzed for the sake of analysis. My biggest regret of bringing this up is that it's uses have been over analyzed, and it's true function lost among many who wish to fully grasp the concept. Keep in mind that it is only an Idea.

It should be stated up front that no position on the clock is better than another, and that yes, it is possible to incorrectly place someone on the clock, even for me.

So, knowing that this was devised so that I could use it for manipulation, and that I could provide effective advice for people having issues with another person, I present to you, The Clock.

So you have a visual model, bust out your own watch, or click on the clock in the lower right hand of the screen and bring it up so you have a model to relate to.
Gogus olculeri

The clock is divided into 4 overlapping halves. Running a line though the 9 and 3, and a separate line though the 12 and 6. This is the hardest part to explain online. To give an idea:
The Top Half are the numbers 10, 11, 12, 1, and 2.
The Bottom Half are the numbers 8, 7, 6, 5, and 4.
The Right Half are the Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
And the Left Half are the numbers 11, 10, 9, 8, and 7.
Note that the Top and bottom Halves does not include 3 or 9, and the Left and Right Halves do not include 12 and 6.

Each section of the clock represents a different aspect of the Human Personality. A person may fall onto one of the Cardinal Numbers (12,3,9,6) but usually falls int an intermediate number.

With this model, the key is that General Opposites Generally Attract.
It would not be likely for two people who have Diametrically Opposed Ideologies to get along at all, though they do occupy opposite positions on the clock. No, the clock focuses more on tendencies that are had between personalities. It is a personality synthesizer, not necessarily an interest inventory or complete breakdown of what a person is. It is a fairly basic concept that cannot go into the depth that other personality devices can. What this model excels at though is categorizing personalities and finding successful links between them. What is made are Connections between personalities, not necessarily interests

Your point is valid. In order to make a successful relationship, the clock is a guide to personality, you have to weed out the ones whose interests and beliefs you don't like yourself.

As this is only online, and not in person, there is some information that I am leaving out, but In a nut shell, here is the part about placing people on the clock.

The aforementioned "Top Half" of the clock is where the dominant personalities fall. I classify this as "Dominant" against its Lower Half Counterpart, "Recessive."

1. Dominant

A dominant personality is related to an outward confidence and ego. IT is directly related to strength of mind and mental fortitude, but not necessarily intelligence. A Dominant person will refuse to admit that they are weak. These people are very good at being right, and hate being wrong. Usually a person in this category is bold, imposing and unrelentless. Commonly speaking these are typically classified as a "Strong" personality. Dominant people take up the "upper half" of the clock and are centered around the 12'o'clock personality

2. Recessive

Their opposites are, as it would seem, opposite. A "Recessive" personality is one in which the person is not so forthcoming about themselves. They tend to be much more modest and quiet than a Dominant personality. The traditional "weak" personality is Recessive. Keep in mind that it is not bad to have a recessive personality. These people often care about others more than themselves, in an almost maternal fashion. A person who is Recessive will tend to be more quietly spoken than a Dominant person. Recessive people take up the "lower half" of the clock and are centered around the 6'o'clock personality

The two complimentary personalities of the Dominant and Recessive are the Intellectual and Social.

1. Intellectuals

The Intellectuals occupy the Right hand side of the clock and are centered around the 3'o'clock position. Intellectuals are commonly thought as introverted, but are really more than that. They get their energy and drive from the applications of their intelligence. Someone can be an Intellectual and still be considered "dumb" as in they get poor grades and cant pass a math test to save their soul.

But an Intellectual is different than smart and relies on the application of the knowledge they have to be successful. Usually an intellectual will refrain from social outings and gatherings to improve themselves, but through reading or study (be it traditional or nontraditional), and in a non-selfish way. Book smarts and street smarts combine to make an intellectual, but not social smarts.

2. Social

The Social Person is one who falls on the Left hand side of the clock and is centered around the 9'o'clock position. A Social person gets their motivation and energy from others, traditionally classified as an extrovert, the Social personality will often sacrifice self improvement for things like gatherings or parties. While an intellectual may not have conventional wisdom for things like trig or History yet still can be smart, it is the Social who when lacking conventional wisdom will be considered "dumb" or "ditzy."

Like the Intellectual personality, the Social personality is not directly tied to intelligence of the sorts that we are tested on in school. A social person will know almost exactly what to do if one of their friends is hurting on the inside and is usually very good at reading people's feelings.

Ok, so that covers the main parts of each personality, now we can begin to use the clock.

"The more you know someone the harder it is to place them on the clock, but at the same time, it is hard to meet someone for 30 seconds and then try to give them a location"
Each person is made up of one or two of the personality types discussed and will usually be fairly consistent in where they fall onto the clock. While at times it is possible to swing into different areas on the clock, the "personality type" that is becoming paraded around is how one appears most of the time. a clock position is determined by how one usually acts upon making a first impression. The more you know someone the harder it is to place them on the clock, but at the same time, it is hard to meet someone for 30 seconds and then try to give them a location.

Right, so, the easiest way to explain this is to use an example. so here goes,

A person who has an overbearing personality but is able to float between social energy and Intellectual energy while exhibiting neither quality more frequently than the other would be considered a "pure" 12:00. As they become more intellectual, then they may be placed at the 1:00 zone. The closer you are to one of the Cardinal personality numbers 12,3,9, or 6 the more of that quality one will exhibit. for example a 5:00 is more recessive than a 4:00, and the 4:00 will be less recessive than the 5:00, but more intellectual. So, the personalities are made up either of one of the cardinal personalities, or falls in the middle of 2 of the cardinal personalities.

It is for example to be either Dominant 12, Dominant-Intellectual 1-2, Intellectual 3, Intellectual-Recessive 4-5, Recessive 6, Recessive Social 7-8, Social 9, or Social-Dominant 10-11.
For the sake of simplicity do not decide that you are something like a 1:30 or a 4:15, as this renders the system useless and impractical. Stick to the 12 numbers on the clock.

This is the core thought on Clock placement. It is based on the combination of aspects of different personalities.

Once someone has been given the correct number associating with their personality, the fun really begins.

So, once you have placed someone on the clock, you can begin to analyze the relationships around them and further classify them. Because I'm kinda on the topic of further classification, I'll discuss the uses of the am/pm device and the Other hands of the clock.

  • am/pm are just different "glazes" that coat the outermost personality. a pm is someone who, when you meet them gives off a friendly aura. a pm is usually good humored and will tend to just be kinder and more personable than an am. an am, will at first seem cold, almost aloof. At first, an am will be less perky and more icy. am's usually have a very Professional nature about them, while a pm has a nature that is, well, nicer.
    am is dark
    pm is light- the decision made was arbitrary, as often times the only AM I see is dark.
  • "A 'PM' is usually good humored; an 'AM' will be less perky and more icy."
  • The minute hand goes up to 2 numbers on either side of the classified number. For example for a 12:00 personality, the minute hand will fall between 2 and 10. This is the range of personalities that a person can have for an extended period of time. This is also the limit of a person to successfully emulate in the cases of manipulation without extensive practice. Simply put, this is the ultimate range of our long term personality. Most of the time, the Minute hand will rest on the person's designated number, but can for up to several hours be placed up to 2 numbers away.

  • The Second Hand indicates "instant" personality. The second hand is only activated during times of intense emotions. As the Second hand is activated, it starts on the person's classified number, and begins spinning erratically around the clock. IT can point at any number with ease, but in order to reach the number it is traveling to, it must be rotated.

    Let me clarify:
    A 6'o'clock who, for example breaks up with her boyfriend will be under intense emotions. At first she may either become overtly social and repress the thoughts or become like a recluse (representing the swing from 6'o'clock to either the 3ish range or the 9ish range). She could eventually become extremely angry and start her system of self-repair, building herself up with phrases like "I'm better than he is" or "He didn't deserve me" a clear trait of the 12:00 personality. However, in order to reach the 12, she must swing through the 9 or 3
    This can also be used on an instantaneous basis. As you slowly anger someone, you can watch the second hand start to move around the clock. Try it sometime. The second hand can move either way, Counterclockwise or Clockwise
Now the part that gets blown wayyy the hell out of proportion, and no doubt the part that you've been waiting for. the Relationship/Manipulation part of the clock. Remember, the more you know someone the deeper into the inner layer of the personality you see. and remember that opposites attract.

Now that the method of using the clock to classify someone can be used, it is relatively easy to find opposite personalities, just draw a line from your number through the center of the clock to the number opposite, and poof, there you go: an opposite personality.
In dating the MOST SUCCESSFUL (not to say all) relationships are based upon people with opposite numbers on the clock. but Why?

The answer lies in the Theory of Opposites.

the outside layers of the two people are mutually attracted to one another, which allows them to grow closer and closer together. As they grow closer, they begin to see one another's inner layer at approximately the same rate, and their inner layers attract each other mutually. the process continues until you get to the core of the person.
This use of the clock is not why the clock was derived, just an observation of the way a phenomena on it works.

The most practical conclusion that can be drawn from this is that opposite numbers on the clock (regardless of am or pm, which are not opposite, but different) will mutually attract one another.
This part is called the "Relationship Clock" and has tuned into the most sought after information regarding the clock.
One key thing to remember is that not all opposites attract, just some of them. this is only a Theoretical connection between real life and the Clock Theory, and it happens to be observed in many a circumstance.

Because most people only want to know with whom the fates have decided them compatible, they often never really understand the thoughts about the different layers of people nor the theory of opposites, which is most important to the clock as a whole. They are only looking for instant gratification, and miss out on well over 3/4 of the theory as a whole.

True, the clock was derived to aid in the achievement of Instant gratification, but not this kind. Often, as I have unfortunately noticed, there is little deep meaning in most of the people whom this information gets to. There are no sources for this information other than myself, and so it may be my fault for not stressing the important things. However, i blame the human condition. There is more to this than finding out who you might like or who you should ask out. True it may help, but as it is only a series of observations and guidelines, it's use is limited.

I do not doubt the effectiveness in most circumstances of the clock, but I will acknowledge that it isnt perfect.

The Personality Synthesizer
7 Opinion