Girls, would you find it romantic or creepy if a guy you just met sent flowers to your work?

that's the question for this poll , I'm thinking about maybe sending flowers to this girl I met, and I met her where she works so that's the only place I could really sent them at the moment . but I don't know would you girls find this really romantic and want the guy more than before ? or kind of creepy or just not care what be your thoughts ? if a guy did this
I'd love them, it would be really romantic
Wouldn't care at all, I'd just ignore them
Kind of creepy
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wow the poll results are very interesting , there is a lot of difference among the girls who voted , most guys though it was creepy but a large % of girls would like them but a lot wouldn't so it would really depend on the girl and her romantic needs
Girls, would you find it romantic or creepy if a guy you just met sent flowers to your work?
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