She says she doesn't like me but her actions say otherwise. I don't know what to do, she's my best friend?

OK, so this is really confusing but, I've been really good friends with this girl for over a year now, and after a few months of knowing her I started to like her. And eventually the feelings got stronger. And for the past few months I haven't had even the slightest interest in any other girls. But in those few months she would do little things, like touching me randomly and even started smacking and grabbing my ass, and i play along and do it back, and recently tried to have me grab her boobs, by grabbing my hand and pulling it towards her chest. i also catch her just looking at me for no reason and smiling or laughing on occasion, etc. Just recently a few nights ago i told her everything, from how stressed it makes me, to how much i like her. I know she knew i liked her but she never knew how much. and when i told her we were in my car, and she seemed really unsure to say the least. she was avoiding making eye contact and when she did look at me she looked like she was a not to cry. i felt terrible. i asked her multiple times to just tell me what i thought was already true, and that was that she didn't like me. But every time i asked her she said "I'm not gonna say that." I was hoping that by hearing it from her that that little hope i had would be gone, and it would be easier to get over her. By the time i dropped her off at her house it was clear to see that she was flustered, and didn't know what to say. but than last night out of the blue she texted me saying "I don't like you, clarified." I realize going to people on the internet isn't a great idea, i just need peoples point of view.

She says she doesn't like me but her actions say otherwise. I don't know what to do, she's my best friend?
3 Opinion