Trying to walk away from the friend zone?

I've fallen for a girl who calls me her "best friend". She knows it, and she's told me that she thinks we're better off as friends. I know that means that she is just not attracted to me. I can't continue being "just friends" anymore, because spending time with her just keeps me attracted to her and knowing that she'll never be my girlfriend hurts; especially when she brings a new guy to hang out with us every other weekend. I've already stopped initiating contact with this girl, and I am trying to avoid taking her calls. Part of me wants to just walk away and never look back, but another part of me doesn't want to hurt her because I really am her BEST (possibly only "real") friend and she's been hurt alot. I know that withdrawing my attention can have one of two outcomes... it will either destroy the friendship completely, or it will get her to start chasing me. Obviously I'd prefer for her to chase me, which is why I haven't cut off contact completely, but I'm trying to decide how far I should pull away before contacting her again or allowing her to contact me. I'm willing to sacrifice the friendship in the attempt to build attraction, I guess its all or nothing for me at this point. So I guess my question is this:

If I decide to do push-pull\rubber band theory with her, how should I go about it?

Trying to walk away from the friend zone?
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