7 Raw Vegetables That Actually Taste, You Know, Good


1. Celery

7 Raw Vegetables That Actually Taste, You Know, Good

Wash the vegetable. Break off the celery stalks. Tear away the leaves. Cut the stalks into bite-size pieces.

2. Beefsteak Tomato

7 Raw Vegetables That Actually Taste, You Know, Good

Wash the vegetable. Rip away a small part of the flesh with your teeth. Suck all the tomato juice out of the tomato. Squeeze the tomato, while you are sucking it. Take away more pieces of the flesh. Suck more juice, and squeeze the tomato. Keep on sucking and squeezing until the entire tomato is consumed.

3. Avocado

7 Raw Vegetables That Actually Taste, You Know, Good

Wash the vegetable. Cut the avocado lengthwise with a knife. Dig out the pit on both avocado halves. Use a spoon to eat the avocado.

4. Carrot

7 Raw Vegetables That Actually Taste, You Know, Good

Wash the vegetable. Remove the leafy end. Cut about 3 cm of the pointy end. Shave off the carrot skin. Wash the vegetable again. Enjoy the crunch.

5. Cucumber

7 Raw Vegetables That Actually Taste, You Know, Good
Wash the cucumber. Slice it like in the picture above. Eat each slice of cucumber.

6. Aloe Vera

7 Raw Vegetables That Actually Taste, You Know, Good

Wash the aloe vera leaf. Cut off the spiny things at the edges. Remove about 3 cm of the base of the leaf. Tear the skin apart. Dig into the flesh. Try to catch all the slime. Eat at the sink or with a plate below you, because the food will get super slimy.

7. Red Onion

7 Raw Vegetables That Actually Taste, You Know, Good
Wash the onion. Find the rough parts of the onion. Cut them off. Cut the whole onion in half lengthwise, meaning the knife is parallel to the direction of the normal growth of the onion. Hold the onion away from your face. Beware of the onion sting! Onions can make you cry! Peel away the outermost layer slowly. Discard the outermost layer. Peel away the inner layers. Put them in a bowl. Eat the onions. In Holes (2003), Stanley Yelnats held an onion plant to his friend, Hector Zeroni, and said it's a hot fudge sundae. A real onion tastes nothing like a hot fudge sundae. Actually, its spiciness and crunchiness makes it a very unique vegetable. However, you do not want to eat too much, because onion gives off a burning sensation and makes your breath stink. Use parsley to refresh your mouth.

Safety Tips:

1. It is important to wash the vegetables thoroughly before you eat them. The outer layer may contain dirt, microorganisms, or pesticides.

2. Reserve cutting utensils specifically for cutting raw vegetables that will be consumed raw. Do not mix this kind of cutting knife with your raw meat cutting knife.

3. Use safe cutting practices. Point the knife away from your fingers.

7 Raw Vegetables That Actually Taste, You Know, Good
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