Why do some dishes cross over to other countries while others don't?

I'm going to use sausages as an example here because it's something we're all familiar with. Both the UK and the USA are familiar with hotdogs in a bun. But the famous American corn dog is virtually unheard of in the UK.

Similarly, deep-fried battered sausages are popular here but never really crossed the Atlantic. Both in theory should be popular in both countries but they're not.

As for toads in the hole, sausages cooked in a Yorkshire pudding, that again should appeal to Americans but it doesn't.

There are lots of other non-sausage examples, e. g. American grits never took off in the UK despite the British love of bland tasteless food.

Why do some dishes cross over to other countries while others dont?
Why do some dishes cross over to other countries while others dont?
Why do some dishes cross over to other countries while others don't?
12 Opinion