this is a 3 part question, you can choose to answer 1, 2 or all three questions if you'd like! the point is to enjoy it, not force it =)
what is it that you could eat every single day for the rest of your life, and would still enjoy it every single time?
I would say tacos… I can have tacos every single day and never get tired of it because of how MUCH you can vary the ingredients in your tacos. It is also not too unhealthy, if you make it yourself, and yet still absolutely delicious. I have even tried making dessert tacos once with my best friend… we added dulce de leche, whipped cream and tons of fruits with a sprinkle of powdered sugar and it was HEAVENLY hahaha
how about if you to pick only one thing to eat for the rest of your life, and nothing else?
This one is difficult, but the first thing that came to mind for me is chicken since that is my favorite meat, and you can also make so much with it… my favorite way of cooking it? that would be a well seasoned and baked chicken, with golden crispy skin, and juicy on the inside (with a side of ketchup ofc) and viola!
lastly... you know how sometimes your taste changes as you grow up... what is the one thing that you have always LOVED to eat since childhood and still enjoy til this day?
I know I said the previous question was difficult, but this one is probably more difficult… lmfao. I have always LOVED food, and eating… even as a kid, there was absolutely nothing I wouldn’t eat. I enjoyed both sides of my cultures foods, I even ate all my veggies without being asked to hahaha. And yes… I did love chocolate and honey as a kid as well (I can’t stand either now as an adult). other than that, absolutely nothing has changed about my taste. I still love my food, and I’m always interested in trying new dishes…
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