Are tinned baked beans bad?

Overcooked beans in a sugary low quality tomato sauce, who on earth actually likes these things? Now, I can stand a small scoop on a plate along as they're lifted and drained from the orange gloop they come in, but they must not touch anything else.

Cassoulet is OK, it's drier, the beans firmer, and it's not swimming in sickly sweet ooze. Baked beans are children's food and adults shouldn't eat them.
Are tinned baked beans bad?
Baked beans are bad
Only the sauce is bad the beans are good
Only the beans are bad the sauce is good
I like baked beans
WTF is a cassoulet
I have fond memories of a bowl of beans in a little café in Tuscany that transported me to the time I fell into the bins behind the abortion clinic
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Are tinned baked beans bad?
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