Being Guarded: Smartest Thing I Could Have Ever Done


I've taken a lot of heat from my friends about not being open with people. Just recently someone told me that no one is going to want to be with me because they won't want to deal with me. Too bad I don't give two f****. After being abused by my step-father, growing up alone, my "friends" turning on me and people constantly lying to my face, how can anyone expect me to be open to anyone? I suffer from anger issues. When someone makes me upset I flip the switch and immediately become violent. I don't let people touch me. I don't tell my own family I love them. Being guarded is the only way that I can preserve my sanity and not turn to drugs and alcohol - again. But there are pros to being guarded!

1. No one can use your weaknesses against you.

If no one knows anything personal about you, they can't judge you or hurt you with anything you've told them. Only let people know the basics. Even if you have someone you think you can trust they will eventually turn on you one day. It's best to let them think they know you and once their gone you will be able to say they didn't hurt you because they didn't have anything to hurt you with.

2. You can weedle out people.

People who really are there for you will understand why you are the way you are. They will not pressure you and they won't hurt you. Those who don't care will continue to push you to your limits and not be satisfied with what you given them. They'll be offended that you don't trust them even though you have every reason not to.

3. In the end, you're all you have.

You came into this world alone, you're going to die alone. None of these people will matter then, but you don't want to die knowing only pain and sadness in your life. You can prevent this! The only person you can trust is yourself. Be the only person who can provide for you. You will avoid disappointment and hurt and be able to live peacefully.

I haven't let anyone in for years. I've kept the same circle of friends since I was 14 and even they don't know that much about me. I don't bother with relationships because those are just a waste of time period. And I couldn't be more happier. I've learned how to take care of myself and not to need anyone. I'm going through life knowing I won't have to keep experiencing pain where it's not necessary. I've protected myself and came to understand that trust, love and all that other bull are just commodities.

Why waste your precious life letting others hurt you when you can love and give yourself everything you need?

Being Guarded: Smartest Thing I Could Have Ever Done

Being Guarded: Smartest Thing I Could Have Ever Done
1 Opinion