Why You Should Never Let Your Guard Down

Why You Should Never Let Your Guard Down

So I'll be the first to admit that I have trust issues. In fact, that's a serious understatement. I do not trust people. Period. I keep my guard up at all times. Here's why:

People Are Tempermental

Why You Should Never Let Your Guard Down

People's moods and attitudes change at the drop of a hat. One day they can love you and the next they treat you like a stranger. Without a thought. Or a reason. And you're just left to figure it out on your own. That's why I don't really like to be too open with new people. It seems like once a level of comfort is established, things switch up. You could think that things are going great with someone, and then you just never hear from them again. A few times of that happening and then you'll start to wonder what it is about yourself that causes it to keep happening. I'd rather not go through that.

People Prey On Weakness

Why You Should Never Let Your Guard Down

Sad, but true. The moment that someone figures out your weakness, they pounce on it. And you may not even realize it for a long time. People take what they can from you every chance they get. You could be a person that's too open with their feelings. Or their money. People see that and they milk it. They ask to "borrow" something because they know you'll say yes. They'll make you feel guilty about being upset about something they did wrong because they know you'll stop blaming them and start blaming yourself. It's not worth it.

You Keep From Getting Hurt

Why You Should Never Let Your Guard Down

My biggest thing with keeping my guard up is that it keeps me from getting hurt. Once you let someone in, you give them the power to hurt you. And they will hurt you. One way or another. Because that's what people do. I learned the hard way. People always want you to be open, but are never fully open themselves. Are there times that I wanna drop it and let someone in? Of course. But I know how I am, and I know that I'll regret it.

I always tell people that I don't lower my guard for anyone and they get mad. Or they try to see if they can be the one to crack the code. And fail. They tell me that I'll never find love that way. And what do I say? Good.

Why You Should Never Let Your Guard Down
Why You Should Never Let Your Guard Down
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