Spending Time Together in a Relationship

When beginning a relationship most couples spend quite a bit of time together. As long as this time spent together remains healthy for both partners, this is perfectly normal. After all, you are getting to know your partner, spending nights talking about each others' lives, hopes, and dreams.

As a relationship progresses and both partners begin to feel more comfortable with each other the time you once spent falling in love starts to take a back seat to other obligations, as it should. After all, each of you had a life before you became involved. In order to maintain a healthy relationship both partners need to be content with the amount of time spent together.
"It is common for most relationships to fail within a year. With this in mind, it is essential for both partners to maintain their personal identity"
It is common for most relationships to fail within a year. With this in mind, it is essential for both partners to maintain their personal identity. This means both partners must have enough time to themselves to pursue their own goals and spend time with friends and family. If one partner begins to feel like he/she is being smothered because the other is demanding too much of their time, resentment will begin to grow.

Here are a few tips to maintain a healthy relationship:

1. The time you spend together should be quality time. You do not have to spend a lot of money or go away for the weekend, but maintaining the bond you have with each other is crucial.

2. Communicate with each other. If your partner is demanding all of your time, this is something that needs discussed. Sometimes this stems from insecurities they may have about the relationship or themselves.

3. Make time for your partner. If you love the person you are with, you will find time for them. Date night works for a lot couples. If you have children, you do not have to out for date night. Stay in and spend some time together after the kids go to bed.

"If you love the person you are with, you will find time for them."
4. If there is some reason you are not as interested in sex as much, it is imperative to let your partner know what is going on with you. If your partner seems uninterested in sex, ask him/her why.

5. If there is an issue between you and your partner about how much time you should spend together, sit down together and figure out something that works for both of you.

It is always important to communicate with your partner if you find yourself needing something they are not giving you. Communicate with one another before tension and resentment start consuming the relationship. If you remain silent, nothing will change.
Spending Time Together in a Relationship
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