Explaining the outgoing introvert and the shy extrovert

I didnt really have a picture srry
I didn't really have a picture srry

What I've noticed in this world is that so many people assume that the shy quiet people are introverts and that the outgoing social loud people are extroverts and I just wanna clear things up.

Introverts are defined by wanting to be alone, getting energy by being alone and getting drained of energy when being in the presence of others. They could be highly social and enjoy socializing and going out partying but eventually they will just feel drained and want to be alone to think about things and get energized again...Its not that they are shy or that they don't know what to say in a conversation, its that they genuinely feel exhausted. I have many friends that fit in this category, they start off hyper, active and more then willing to start a convo and they even hang out at the most exciting places but as time goes by they just get sick of it, it was confusing to me..to see my most outgoing friends all of a sudden just drop down and feel tired and almost quiet...This is a true introvert, they can be outgoing as heck but too much exhausts them and they recharge by being alone in there own world.

So what about extrovert. An extrovert is defined by someone wanting to be out in the open, not alone, they get energy by others and usually conversations or just being with people. Most shy extroverts are usually people that struggled with being alone for a lot of there lives and they just got sick of it and craved friends. But to tell an extrovert thats quiet or shy, just look for the people that could be extremely shy and quiet and anxious, they might even look like they don't want to be there but then the more they are out in the open and with others, the more they slowly start to open up, or maybe they hide the fact that they actually are really excited and energized. Around friends, they open up so much, and around strangers well they enjoy it..but with a socially anxious extrovert, they don't really know how to start a conversation or continue it really, so they often just smile at you and hope that you can do a better job at starting a friendship. I don't know many shy extroverts but I do know that I am a very shy extrovert.

Alone, I feel as if I get more tired because when I'm alone I am trapped in my out of wack mind that keeps overanalyizing everything and it all just drains me. at least with others I don't have to worry about making a good impression because when I'm with others, I'm not stuck in my own mind set of constantly improving and making theories up.

I guess with introverts, they get energized by alone time because maybe all the people cloud there thoughts and they really want to have that space to think things through..


My brother is a outgoing introvert, he gets along with all, everyone loves him and he has fantastic jokes and so much charisma..but at parties, he starts to break down and even go as to far as to lock himself in a room alone just to think. Even with text messages, he doesn't like receiving them and sometimes avoids hanging out with friends.

I as a shy extrovert, well I really really want to socialize and explore the world and make new friends but I just have no clue, I don't have his charisma or really any skill in the art of conversation but I do get really giddy and excited when someone texts me...and at parties I will eventually start pumping it up in a dance number despite probs not knowing anyone.

Explaining the outgoing introvert and the shy extrovert
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