8 Reasons Why I Like Female Culture

8 Reasons Why I Like Female Culture

Belonging to guy culture has some supposed perks including being lazier and not having as much grooming maintenance but girl culture to me feels more vibrant and freeing. Here are some of my reasons on why.

1. Colors

8 Reasons Why I Like Female Culture
8 Reasons Why I Like Female Culture

Let's start simply with colors. First of all, girls are able to see and to tell the difference between various different types of colors where for guys including myself, it is much harder to do so. In addition, a girls color palette is totally free as far as your imagination but for a guy... certain colors are discouraged or stereotyped into a gender like pink for example. If a girl walks into a room wearing either blue or pink, either way she is fine. If a guy walks into a room wearing pink it is not always nearly as well accepted or received. My point and assumption, girls have a stronger freedom and knowledge when it comes to color.

2. Fashion

8 Reasons Why I Like Female Culture
8 Reasons Why I Like Female Culture

There is very little that a girl can't wear. Last time I challenged this idea, one of the only options provided was a jock strap. Girls can get anyway with wearing anything they want. And the options are nearly limitless. You say the type of person you are based by what you wear. Given guys can do this to some extent but girls even more so. Just bringing up something as simple as shoe options and you already start to become overwhelmed. For guys, fashion is much simpler and less complex but that also leads to much less freedom for self expression that girls have. Your style defines you and tells the world who you are. Even being in an office setting, guys are stuck in suits while girls have a world of possibilities in office causal. Dresses, skirts, leggings, and short shorts can all be seen as much more acceptable for women to wear. While not all girls like these options they are available to them. In summery, it is much more fun to dress up in women's fashion than it is to dress up in guys fashion, there is more freedom and options.

3. Hair and Makeup

8 Reasons Why I Like Female Culture
8 Reasons Why I Like Female Culture

For women's hair styles... its overwhelming to think about but that picture above helps us with the numbers, 177 hair short styles, 148 medium hair styles and 77 long styles for women, that is like OVER 400 DIFFERENT OPTIONS FOR HAIR STYLES! Hair like fashion also helps to tell people about you and for girls, they have so many ways to show their self expression that way. And with make up, you have to give me patience here girls :) , even as the pic shows, girls are not using as much makeup any more but its an option. Having shiny lipstick or blush on the face has amazing effects and even simple concealer can take away dark circles around the eyes and redness on the face. It is a wonderful option to able to use and highlight the face that guys just simply can't.

4. Body Shape

8 Reasons Why I Like Female Culture
8 Reasons Why I Like Female Culture

Simply put, women's bodies have a special shape to them. That shape is significant, powerful and attractive. To add to this idea, women's bodies in general have a small amount of added weight, specifically noticed in the face. There is a more round and fuller appearance to the cheeks. Overall, simply having a female body shape makes you more noticeable. I suppose this point is less about female culture and more about biology but the female body shape does effect female culture such as the female specific fitness place called curves.

5. Pregnancy

8 Reasons Why I Like Female Culture
8 Reasons Why I Like Female Culture

I hear the biggest argument that is a life force that is sucking the life out of you :) but having the ability to carry a living a person growing inside of you, is an amazing thing that I feel just gets so taken for granted. But it is a pretty crazy thing for a human to experience. How this relates to culture is the stores and support leading up to the pregnancy. It is like one big warm emotional hug everywhere you go. You just get a natural high off of the whole experience. Not every woman will agree with me but it is so special and unique to the female culture.

6. Support

8 Reasons Why I Like Female Culture
8 Reasons Why I Like Female Culture

If you are going through a hard time you can always call on a girlfriend. Given it is burden at times but listening and talking, I believe, is a huge part of the female network. Had a hard time at work or lost your job, broke up with someone, relationship trouble or you simply just had a bad day in general, it is all about talking time. For guys, it does not always happen as often or as easy. And for girls there can even at times less judgement.

7. Being Comfortable

8 Reasons Why I Like Female Culture
8 Reasons Why I Like Female Culture

I have seen it so many times, where the girl places her hand between her legs and just gets comfortable. Girls cutting hair just lean as close as they need to, to get comfortable while cutting your hair. They are the masters of comfort. They just need to settle down and find a place and they can just get super comfortable. Even looking at girls stretching tells you how much they are masters at comfort. They know their body well enough to just know how to get comfortable fast. It is almost like a way to de-stress.

8. Getting to be more playful and childlike

8 Reasons Why I Like Female Culture
8 Reasons Why I Like Female Culture

Girls are just more free to have fun and be child like. There is less pressure to have to behave serious and they can loosen up and just be goofy. At least more often than guys do.

What do you think of my list? How many of you agree and disagree? :)

and I take no credit for the pictures :)

8 Reasons Why I Like Female Culture
61 Opinion