Woman admits women have easier lives, (video) thoughts?

This woman decided to become a man for 2 years of her life and these were the expereinces:

1. she experienced dating as a man. "Ned" (the woman) went on a total of 30 dates and paid for 28 of them due to pressure.
On the dates she claims it was grooling as a man having to constantly try and impress the woman knowing she could get another date without even trying.
Ned went up to women and claims she "quickly realised how much power women actually have in dating, nothing has the ability to completely crush someone more than a simple no". She goes on to say "its so hard to go across the room and ask a girl out seeing her face knowing how frustrated she is that this has happened a million times before and she instantly has hostility toward you and you have to try hard not to come across as a cheese ball".
She also said she was shocked at the entitled and belittling outlook they had toward men, in way "she never even knew women did"

2. As a woman she went into a retail shop and was treated much nicer and the guy was more helpful toward her. She then returned as a man to the same shop keeper and claims "it was a completely different atmosphere, he was much less helpful and almost rude". This was the case almost every shop she tested this on.

3. She also claims in almost every aspect of life as a woman she was treated better in general by men and women from simply starting random conversations to being a customer.
There are many more point but these were a couple that stood out to me.
the one that really kind of got to me was the point about female sexuality and how its not hard wired and that they csn be just as easily attracted to women if they connect. Men are more directly attracted to women and naturally crave them more.
The next point that got me was how people were more polite and generous to ned as a woman, as a woman she was not regarded very attractive either but rather average so i can only imagine what this experience is like for attractive women.
Woman admits women have easier lives, (video) thoughts?
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