Anxiety is making me worry, can someone tell me their opinion?

Hey there everyone. I'm a 19 year old sophomore in college. Matched yesterday with a 21 year old girl at the same college as me. We hit it off very well, got her number and snapchat. We started snap chatting and I usually ask her random stuff or ask her to ask me, or we talk about something. She asked me out to dinner or coffee. We planned dinner for Friday and coffee for today but she had to postpone today's coffee for maybe tomorrow (She's equestrian so she gets busy at the stables). Last night I said goodnight and that im looking forward to coffee with her, she left me on open (although she had just told me she wasn't feeling good and was gonna sleep). This morning I said good morning, she said Hi. I asked if everything's alright and if I maybe said something or was acting annoying because I sensed she was drier to me. She said "No!! Sorry, Not at all!" We're snapchatting throughout the day. I sense my anxiety kicks in because I have this rosy view that everything has to be flirty 24/7. Am I doing well or am I doing wrong? (She is interested in me I think because well she's still talking to me and still down to meet up and when I compliment her or say cute stuff like how I wanna meet her horses and if shell take me, she says "Yes of course!!". She also didn't mind that I live in the dorms and don't have a car.
Anxiety is making me worry, can someone tell me their opinion?
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