Should I ask my female coworker out if she's giving me these signs?

I (M20) have been coworkers with this girl (F18) and we’ve been working together in October 2021. I liked her ever since I saw her but we didn’t really talk at all until Thanksgiving when we just started talking to each other and we hit it off well.

since then she would talk to me every time we worked together and offer her help. At first I just thought that she was just being nice to me and that she didn’t like me in a romantic way but lately I’ve been second-guessing that.

this Saturday she wanted me to walk her to her car and Sunday she offered to share her umbrella with me when it was raining so I wouldn’t get wet and it was nice. Today she asked me a weird question that if I thought she was annoying because a coworker told her that someone said that about her and I told her that I didn’t think she was and that I thought she was the nicest person at our job. She thanked me and said that everyone at our job likes me because I'm genuine and caring.

It meant a lot that she said that but I get thrown off because she calls me dude a lot so it makes me think she just sees me as friend. She’s also nice to everyone else so it’s not that she’s just really nice to me. I’m also nervous to ask her out because if she rejects me I don’t want it to be awkward at my job (there's only 20 employees at our job and 15 of them are women) which would lead to me wanting to quit which I don’t because I like my job.

If anyone can tell me if by the info I gave that if I have a bad, 50/50, good chance of her saying yes I’d appreciate it because I need some other peoples perspectives on this.
Should I ask my female coworker out if she's giving me these signs?
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