Incredibly mixed signals?

Hey everyone. This girl, I met through some friends. She was a member of a group chat when planning a graduation party for a mutual friend.

The short of it, we started talking. A LOT. A few days before the party, she admitted she liked me. All through the party, we made it fairly obvious we liked each other. Great, matching vibes from both of us. A few days later, she backed away a bit saying she didn’t want a relationship but still remained talking as if nothing ever happened.

We’re a month in to our friendship now, still talking all day every day, snap, text, IG, phone calls, FaceTime, etc.. Probably over ten hours of actual phone conversations a week, she’s invited me to her place (she lives a few hours north of me), offered to cook for me, day trips, all sorts of things that seem like something only an interested person would do? She’s said she was “confused” about liking me and playing it off like it never happened now. Some days/weeks the conversation is a lot more frequent and better than others but it’s still absolutely daily.

Am I reading too far into this and just have a great friend now? Should I be persistent without being overbearing? Girls, what’s going on here? We’re early 30’s.
Incredibly mixed signals?
Post Opinion