Don't you think there'd be less incels if women westernized women weren't anti social?

It's really discouraging when there's mixed sex social groups and the women there just socialize with their close female friends and not meet any guys, especially young slim white ones. These kinds of women should literally just hang out at lesbian bars if they don't want guys like me to approach them and interact myself to be social like a normal human being is. I may have aspergers but I know how to introduce myself and not be cringe or creepu when speaking to someone, especially when talking to a woman I find attractive. I'm not even trying to be a nice guy or a simp, I talk to women like I talk to guys when first acquainted and if she vibes to me then it slowly gets into an eventual relationship.
Don't you think there'd be less incels if women westernized women weren't anti social?
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