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one thing a lot of people don't understand is that it IS as taxing as a 9-5 job.. but that it doesn't end.
Especially for being a stay at home parent. You're surrounded by kids for nearly the whole time you're awake, if you don't have a decent support network then that becomes so full on mentally.
You seem more liberal most stay at home moms tend to be more conservative. But I agree. Stay at home moms are constantly around their kids and when their husbands are around. They usually demand the wife cooks and cleans for them.
The kids should come first always. Then the wife. But a lot of men think that a housewife is just a maid
eh, I'm a stay at home mom not by choice but necessity XD it ain't the lifestyle I want because of this sort of mental load. I need that break.
I hear ya. Especially because many times the husbands don’t appreciate their wives. They refuse to pitch in around the house. They expect them to take their focus away form the kids. It’s just hard. I don't know how your husband is but
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