One major contributing factor is a societal lack of accountability for women. As kids we are thought not to fight with members of the opposite sex. However, if a girl hits a boy and he retaliates, who get in trouble? The boy does, he is probably chastised for hitting the girl. “Don’t ever hit a woman they are not as strong as you and deserve your protection. She is such a sweet or nice young lady and so polite blah blah blah” In a more ground society the girl should be explained that her action of provoking a boy is reckless, and she is lucky that his retribution was stopped. “He is stronger and faster than you and you most likely don’t stand a chance in a fight and you are fortunate the fight didn’t continue as it could cost your life, blah blah blah” this is just one example.
A woman drives her car with the oil light on and burns up the engine everyone chuckles and offers help. A guy weighs 400 lbs he’s a fat POS a woman weighs 400 she’s a hungry queen. Why are guys usually expected to bring the condom? A guy runs a car with the oil light on he is shamed and ridiculed for being such an idiot. A girl get pulled over she is let go, a guy gets pulled over he goes to jail. Then there is incarceration why are there so few women in our prisons? And why are the sentences for women lighter then those of their male equivalents.
Women just are just not held to the same standards as men and because of this they don’t know how to apologize and or don’t need to.
For anyone who doesn’t believe this watch how many women try to refute this hypothesis with an outlying antidotal claim…21 Reply- 16 d
Most Helpful Opinions
- Anonymous(25-29)17 d
because weak men and simps validate their bad choices, decisions and beliefs
if no man truly believed feminism was about equality, feminism would never exist
heck all the men tomorrow can say no to feminism and end it there completely
abortion, voting without being drafted, MeToo, fat acceptance, divorce inequality would also end completely as simple as male cops refusing to arrest a man not paying child support, the majority of male military refusing to take orders from feminist politicians, bystanders not coming to anyone's aid and letting the strong determine the victory
12 Reply- 17 d
@Anonymous Please read, no equality arguments.
- Opinion Owner14 d
the only other answer would be women not holding each other accountable or parents not holding them accountable when raising them
- Anonymous(36-45)17 d
You've not met the right woman.
Why don't you want there to be no "equality argument?"
I know lots of men who can't admit they're wrong.
12 Reply- 17 d
@Anonymous Always responding "but men do it to" is low IQ and deflects from the question. It's used in part because society struggles to hold women accountable, and only is comfortable doing so if they can lump men in the argument. For my question I want to focus only on the shortcomings of females.
- 12 d
See you’re saying that.
Not for me when I'm wrong I'm wrong but I guess for some women it's got to do with their ego maybe?
21 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
MY mother has never apologized to me for anything she did wrong to me in her entire life. My dad admits when he's wrong when my mom starts losing an argument, she just starts making personal attacks to hurt you and then never apologizes. I don't know why woman do this, but it was behavior like this that lead to my father cheating on my mother.
It was one of the only times I sympathized with a cheater at least to some extent in cheating. My dad wasn't perfect, but my mother spent years taking a hatchet to the relationship and yet for some reason she was shocked when he got comfort from a woman that wasn't emotionally abusing him on a regular basis.
10 Reply- 10 d
From my perspective, women (not all but many) have an issue with accountability in general. No one ever told Barbie she was wrong because... well... she's Barbie. Now she's all grown up and she's hearing the word "no" for the first time. All of these people are "threatening her, assaulting her, offending her". All because Barbie can't handle reality and the truth. So she tries crying, because that always works. Or she lies, that usually works too. Or she goes into Karen mode and accuses the other party of her own flaws. Yup, it's a societal thing.
10 Reply - 17 d
"I’m never wrong" club! 😂 Honestly, some people—regardless of gender—just have that ironclad pride or can’t deal with the hit to their ego. Sometimes, it’s even a learned habit. If someone grew up in an environment where admitting fault got them in trouble or made them vulnerable, they might just dodge it entirely as an adult.
This is just not with women, I have many blokes who are in the same club, and never apologies for their wrong doings.
01 Reply- 17 d
Men and women are all part of the same club; they often complain about issues they themselves contribute to or fail to address. Instead of seeking solutions or working to improve themselves, they point fingers at each other for society’s problems. In truth, we are all more alike than we care to admit, but we prefer to blame the opposite gender for our misfortunes.
- 17 d
admitting your wrong is like takeing your ego and smashing it women tend to look more towards high social status in society and value it more then men do so how they are perceived is everything now not all women are like this but id say at least quite a few of the worlds population are the bad girl and popular girls are two examples also girls if you have anything you wanna add please feel free to comment on my thing cause i am not a girl nor am i perfect
00 Reply 464 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. Every woman claims to be always right. I think this stems from the female tendency to emotional reasoning so quantitative assessment of right and wrong does not occur to them.
Accountability is low so anything that objectively goes wrong has to be somebody else's fault and not hers. Entitlement is high so anything she did is OK.
All these things make her right in her eyes and reasoning
00 Reply- 17 d
“No equality posts” is literally denying the truth in front of your own eyes
it literally depends on the individual person, not the gender. Its hard for me to admit im wrong, but i try to do it whenever it happens.
113 Reply- 16 d
@lil_will_12 Focusing on what someone else does, only leads to a deflection from the original subject. Society does this a lot whenever women are criticized directly.
- 15 d
Maybe its because its kinda a bad idea? Judging a group of people as a whole is what leads to sexism and racism. Its like the same thing as scolding an entire class bc like 3 people had cheated on a test.
- 15 d
@lil_will_12 Am I understanding you correctly? Are you making the claim that admitting when you're wrong is a bad idea?
- 15 d
Did i say that? No
I dont even know what you are trying to say here lol. Just dont generalize, thats pretty self explanatory as to why. Not all women have difficulty admitting they’re wrong, it entirely depends on the individual person - 15 d
@lil_will_12 You said "It's a bad idea" but didn't specify what was the bad Idea. The world operates in generalizations, and all is not a pre-requisite for truth. All people don't vote however legislation is still applied. Successful people operate on what is probable not possible.
- 15 d
The voting system is different than generalizing people, it uses majority rules (not really, its a bit more complicated, but thats the rough idea) in cases like these its not harmful to use it, because it doesn't generalize people, it uses the majority of who voted what to figure out what wins in the vote. In cases like generalizing people, it can be dangerous and create unintentional bias towards others.
- 15 d
@lil_will_12 Its also only one example of world generalizations. The fact that you pretend that it's the only example, validates my point. Still not understanding what "cases like these are" The original question asked why it's difficult for women to admitt when they are wrong.
- 15 d
Yeah, and the original question assumes women in general have a hard time admitting they are wrong. Unless you have data and statistics to back up the claim that the majority or a lot of women do this, then it is a dangerous generalization.
- 15 d
@lil_will_12 I think I understand your confusion. That assumption is made because most men that have had success w/ women understand this is true. The absence of evidence doesn't produce truth. Also not sure what the "danger" would be. If you don't believe women have a difficult time admitting when they are wrong" why would you feel the need to comment?
- 15 d
Just because i dont do or believe in something, doesn't mean its an issue i shouldn't care about.
Its only dangerous to generalize because (and i have already said this) it can lead to unintentional bias, which can lead to you treating people differently based off of that bias. A different example of this are some of those women who generalize men to be bad people because the a lot of murderers and rapists are men. This creates an unfair bias towards men in general.
In general, generalizations based on race, gender, or any sort of group of people based on a characteristic they can't change, is a dangerous thing that can lead to sexism or racism. This specific question to be fair, is fairly mild on the generalizing, but you should still note that any type of generalization based on a certain group of people with specific characteristics they did not choose nor can they change, is a dangerous road to take. This is my 2 cents🤑 - 15 d
@lil_will_12 Your first sentence makes little sense please clarify. The world operates in generalities which renders your hypothetical belief irrelevant. That's not really a different example because society doesn't criticize women for their willingness to generalize. If it's fairly mild, then focusing on the generalizations seems even more off base, especially considering the fact that generalizing is actually how the world works. Your real issue as I mentioned is that you see the truth in this statement and rather than addressing it, you're attempting to deflect by using the equality argument people are used to leaning on when it comes to accurate criticism of women.
- 15 d
Really? Ok, look, im not a racist, does this mean i shouldn't care about racism? There you go. Same goes for this. I dont generalize, but does that mean i shouldn't care when others do it? Well no, not to me
I dont see truth in this statement, because it is based off of generalizations. If you have data that shows more women than men have a hard time admitting they are wrong, then lets talk. But until you have shown me real data, this statement is not true and is based on personal experience and opinion.
- 15 d
@lil_will_12 Your racism anology isn't equivalent to the original statement. Generalities are how the world operates, it why most guns are made for right handers despite the fact that lefties exsist. The absence of you seeing truth is irrelevant to the original statement. So you're saying that you have data that contradicts my statement?
496 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. Because they were raised to believe they do no wrong , not every female is this way but a majority of them are this way , Guys’ can be this way as well , just depends on how they were raised , and not knowing what the word No means
05 Reply- 17 d
@Finchie40 Please read post. No equality responses.
- 17 d
@Finchie40 TY for sharing. I'm notcsure what "Bitch" you are referring to.
- 17 d
@Finchie40 I think I see your confusion. The post isn't about a specific girl rather women in general.
- Anonymous(45 Plus)17 d
Most likely because when they’re growing up we as society treat them like princesses. Which is also daddy’s fault because daddy’s princess can do no wrong. Then a lot of them learn that they can get away w things by using their looks. Which again is partially men’s fault cause we do let women get away w a lot of things based on looks. For instance a speeding ticket. Not all the time but we’re more lenient on them.
00 Reply - 17 d
Women don't have a "correct" vs "incorrect" worldview. Instead they view the world as a full of (and this is gonna be shocking, I know) PEOPLE with FEELINGS.
Whether she was right or not is irrelevant, what matters is how she feels about the situation.
00 Reply - 19 h
Overgeneralizing is never correct. Some women (not all) have a hard time apologizing because they were probably raised in an unheathy upbrining or never held accountable for their actions.
01 Reply- 10 h
@Vesuvius87 Most women do, and generalizing is how the world works.
- 17 d
I think it's a human thing, not a woman thing.
I don't know if this is what you'd call an "equality argument" or not, but it's impossible to answer the question any other way.
115 Reply- 17 d
@AnonAndrew Yes it is part of the equality argument, where one only feels comfortable criticizing women if they can simultaneously criticize men.
- 17 d
Well, I disagree, but that's besides the point. My answer is my answer. :)
- 17 d
@AnonAndrew OK, so you're saying you don't know.
- 10 d
@Vegasrunner As I said, I think humans just are that way, regardless of sex.
- 10 d
@AnonAndrew OK, of that's true then why do you think female humans do that?
- 10 d
I think it's just the way human beings (or female humans, if you prefer) are, man.
I don't know if there's some deeper explanation about evolution, or society's influence, or whatever. - 10 d
@AnonAndrew So you think that's how all females are?
- 10 d
Not all, no. By default, yes. But some few invest the emotional work and "maturity-building" to move past it. - 10 d
@AnonAndrew However men need to deal w/ what's problem instead of focusing on exceptions
- 10 d
Why bring men into this? Please, no "equality argument." ;) - 10 d
@AnonAndrew No clue why you brought men into this, especially since I said no equality arguments.
- 9 d
You brought men into it: "However men need to deal w/ what's problem instead of focusing on exceptions" - 9 d
@AnonAndrew I think I understand your confusion. What part of my original question mentions men?
- 8 d
Why are you being so annoying, man? Did I offend you before or something? - 8 d
@AnonAndrew It's unfortunate you feel annoyed, however I noticed you ignored the question asked.
- 14 d
they've got an extra mouth on them that's betwix their legs. it can be more fun to interact with but if you don't agree with the other mouth then it shuts down. so, they tend to not be wrong when it's convenient
00 Reply Because they don't need to.
Men evolved in the physical world. If you don't admit you are wrong the the physical world killed you off and anyone who was with you.
Women evolved in the social world there is no right and wrong just popular and unpopular.02 Reply- 17 d
"there is no right and wrong just popular and unpopular"
Incorrect. The social is informed by the physical. Morality governs the framework of outcomes, not the outcomes themselves. A thing is deemed good or bad, depending on what framework we observe the outcome under, but optimal outcomes follow from optimal actions. You do not get an optimal result from a sub-optimal action.
There is a right and wrong way to be "social"; the right way is what gets good results and the wrong way is what gets bad ones. Popularity is another word for consensus, but consensus is not a synonym for "true". If 1000 people say 1+1=3, then they have all agreed that 1+1=3... and they are all wrong. 1+1 does not become "equal to 3" simply because everyone converged on the same answer. - 15 d
The definition of "1" "+" "=" and "3" is consensus.
- 15 d
It's in the genes. Women are built by Mother Nature to make good choices, and when they make mistakes, their genes prevent them from acknowledging that they just might be wrong.
00 Reply 582 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. Because it often means they have to question everything else as well. Where men are more clinical in their thinking.
00 Reply793 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. Probably because they tend not to be wrong very often.
00 Reply- 17 d
Because they usually aren't. I can't remember the last time my wife was wrong 🤔
00 Reply - 17 d
We do but it's just so rare that we are wrong. I haven't been wrong in 5 years.
00 Reply - 17 d
I haven't a clue but, no matter HOW wrong they are, once they get their heels dug in, they will NOT budge!!!
00 Reply - 17 d
Because women are so rarely held accountable (starting as children) that accepting accountability is alien to them.
32 Reply - 17 d
My understanding... most women's entire life is spent presenting an image of perfection. To admit fault would go against this image and this make them feel unworthy.
00 Reply - 17 d00 Reply
- 17 d
Why is it difficult for HUMANS to admit fault? C'mon!
01 Reply- 17 d
@DrPepper12 Please read entire post no equality response
- 17 d
Because they think themselves unable to do anything wrong. Women are raised to believe that they can do no wrong.
00 Reply naturally apologies is last step for woman... and without saying that word they try to express in different ways... and less men able to understand woman way... do you feel so?
00 ReplyLike you said, it's not just women, men do it to. It's a person thing. Most of us are very prideful.
00 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)17 d
Potential undiagnosed mental health conditions or other personality disorders.
Or, it's just nothing. Or it's just that time of th E month.
In many respects, men aren't much better.00 Reply - 17 d
Women will never admit when they are wrong because their law of nature is that it is always the man's fault.
00 Reply - 3 d
I been treated so poorly by women it’s not even funny. Like tonight I been treated bad
10 Reply 687 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. Why are you generalizing half of the population? Where is the science to back this up?
00 Reply- 16 d
My mom said that we are not even in the future wrong about anything but it's not the problem of mine that you men are cave boy"s
00 Reply - 17 d
women are King solomons. Wise, wealthy, and given gifts out of respect and admiration
00 Reply - 17 d
Stubborn or maybe delusional?
20 Reply - 17 d
Why is it difficult to admit that all men are cross dressers in the closet?
00 Reply - 17 d
I always apologize when i did something wrong
14 Reply- 17 d
@itsannalee Name the last time you apologized to a man for something you were wrong about.
- 17 d
Last month, because I was upset i thought my man ignored me (he didn’t reply my texts for 24h), but actually he was in the police station and they took his phone.
- 17 d
@itsannalee No equality arguments please.
- 17 d
I don’t argue with my man, we talk. Argue is just for unstable and immature.
- 17 d
They can, they just aren't wrong usually
00 Reply - 17 d
Cause we’re perfect creatures.
12 Reply- 17 d
@Kathryn2003 Where's the "spit out my coffee" emoji
- 17 d
They didn’t make those yet.
- 17 d
It isn't for me.
04 Reply- 17 d
When was the last time you admitted to being wrong?
- 16 d
@SolitarySolace A couple of days ago.
- 16 d
What for? @Ms_Facesitter
- 16 d
@SolitarySolace My boyfriend helping me improve on Tekken 8 🥺
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