This girl was staring me down hardcore

So this girl in class was staring me down pretty intensely for most of class. She basically sat in a spot in the room where we were pretty much facing each other just about. Almost every time I diverted my attention from the professor to her she was looking dead at me. Even times where the professor wasn't even standing close to me, she looking right at me. Like at one point the professor was handing out stuff in the back of the room and as I turned my head around I noticed she was looking right at me.

I mean, she's attractive, but it got to the point where it was a little creepy because even when I made eye contact she didn't seem to look away. I figured maybe she thought she knew me from somewhere or would take the opportunity to talk to me during the break, but nothing.

Aside from the constant staring, I haven't really picked up on any obvious signs of attraction, so what's her deal?
This girl was staring me down hardcore
1 Opinion