This guy keeps shipping me with his friend, but I feel like he is flirting with me at the same time? WTF?

Guy A and his friends (he is 'the lead') keeps shipping me with his shy friend B, everytime I sit down next to guy B he has to make the love heart sign with his hands, and every time we have classes together he always moves up to me and goes, "so, what do you think of B huh? You would say yes if he asks you to formal wouldn't you?" with a smirk face. I thought he was purely doing this to ship us untill today he came really close to me in class and asked if he could play the game I was playing and pretended like he did't know how to play it and asked me to teach him but I could tell he actually knew how to play it. He sat really close and we were almost touching.

At the end of the class he looked at me and saw that I was still packing so he walked up to another friend who was packing up as well (the group of friends he sat in class all left) and it seemed like he was waiting for me because as soom as I walked out of the door him and his friend came out as well, walking right behind me.

I am so confused, does he like me? If he does, why does he ask me about guy B every single time he sees me? Is this his way of finding a topic to talk to me? He is sometimes mean to me (maybe in a joking way? not sure) as well so yea, I'm getting mixed signals here, what is he ACTUALLY trying to do?
This guy keeps shipping me with his friend, but I feel like he is flirting with me at the same time? WTF?
3 Opinion