Are short girls attractive?

Maybe this seems like a dumb question but this guy the other day that I know who's kind of rude said to my face that my height makes me unattractive and average and that's why all the other girls around me are more attractive and prettier, because they are tall. But I have been told I'm really pretty/beautiful and cute.

I usually don't care what people say that much but this kind of hurt me. I've been picked on a LOT for this sort of thing my whole life because I am short, from up to high school. You get used to it but it's annoying when others are picking you last for the team or something because you are small and look weak, which happened very frequently. I am only 5 feet although I'm not really fat, I am fit and petite

i thought guys liked short girls so they could pick them up easier but I guess that's not true to a lot.
Are short girls attractive?
27 Opinion