I really like this guy in school. First of all, last year I saw him stare a lot in school. I started noticing it in lunch because he will follow me everywhere I go. Then, one day I saw him walking towards me but I walked past him and I didn't know he was gonna talk to me. After that day he just kinda stopped staring. I don't know if I hurt his feelings or something. But right after that. I started to like him a lot. He got a new girlfriend that year about 3 or 2 , but he only stayed with them for about 2 months. He isn't a fuckboy. He's actually very nice and really shy. This year he was dating this girl but that girl broke his heart and its been like 4 months. So, when it was first days of school. He started to stare at me again. Whenever I looked at him he just turned away quickly. His friends also stare and turn away quickly too. I really want to talk to him but I don't know how to do it. I've asked my friends to help me out in this situation and they are asking him questions but not too suspicious about any girl he likes or if he wants to find someone new. This whole paragraph sounds idiotic and i'm an idiot too for letting that chance from last year get blown off. But i really need some tips on how to talk to him or at least let him talk to me :( Answers will be greatly appreciated.
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Is He A Shy Guy?
What Girls & Guys Said
Maybe he is shy and nervous
Yeah I know but Any advice on how to bump into him or at least let him approach me?
Just give him some time, or if you want to approach it in a other way you can try to do some projects with him. Like you need to make a presentation in pairs and you wanna do it with him so you can see how he reacts. Don't make it too obvious though.
He's in another class tho but for right now i'll see what happens and i'll giv him some time.
Maybe he's nervous
Yeah clearly. Any advice on how to bump into him or start talking to him without it being so awkward :/