Is this a red flag? Or the guy actually seems nice?


strangely matched with this guy in a neighboring country from mine on tinder (glitch or something) he’s cute and smart, we spoke for a while then he asked to switch to telegram, we’ve been talking for two days and he asked for more pictures of me (doesn’t have instagram) we shared some and then spoke about the distance, he said it’s hard since we’re so far away and wants to see more of me (like that) and I told him no because I don’t know him and don’t feel comfortable like that if I don’t know a person, and then I said it’s strange that we matched and yeah there’s some distance between us. He responded, Ah okay, so I am happy that you don't felt offended

Yes I understand that and we don't have to if you don't feel comfortable with it, we can get to know each other better first

the personal meeting could be a bit difficult due to the distance between us

But I think until now we get along very well, I like texting you, you are a super interesting and kind person

you can say whatever you think
I don't know how it is possible to match someone that far away, but I guess the tinder destiny made us meet up hahah we are not in a hurry we can keep chatting and see where it leads, if you are good with that?


now I’m confused, is this a good sign or a red flag, red flag would be asking for nudes without meeting a person in my head but then his response sounds like a good sign?

what do you think?

Is this a red flag? Or the guy actually seems nice?
2 Opinion