1.4K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. If you're shy, they help a lot. You're a lot less shy with people who are your friends. Talking to female friends makes it easy to talk to females you'd like to be more than friends. In my case, I flat out won't date anyone who isn't my friend first, so female friends allow me to find my soul mate.
P. S. I don't make friends based on who I find attractive. I don't find most of my female friends attractive, and I've found some females attractive who haven't become my friends.
00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
- 1 y
Friends are friends. The adjectives don't matter. Seriously. Why would you NOT want female friends? You are going to exclude them just because they are female? Some of my best friends have been women. I think on average I carry on longer and better conversations with them. They seem to be open to a wider variety of topics. I almost never run out of things to talk about with my female friends, but I do with a lot of my male friends.
00 Reply
- Anonymous(25-29)1 y
It helps them better understand female behavior. It can be nice to have a platonic friendship with someone who treats you well that you're not attracted to. I am a female with lots of platonic male friends.
05 Reply- Asker1 y
So you think that if you'll give them a chance to fuck you, they'll decline?
- Opinion Owner1 y
Guys will fuck anything that moves. That's a pretty dumb question.
- Asker1 y
And yet you think that they are platonic friends.
- 1 y
I'm mostly certain that when it comes to women, they usually think their guy friends are platonic
- 1 y
A good female friend calms and protects your heart, in the same way therapists and psychologists calm your heart, the trick is, not to fall in love with them.
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
Female friendships can be quite pleasant. They tend not to last very long, but they can be very supportive and there is often a lot of enjoyable conversation.
00 Reply- 1 y
There are many advantages of having female friends. You get access and knowledge of that area which is not possible with you being alone or even with other guys.
You are able to understand girls better. You can discuss things with her, and clear your doubts.
Having a female friend is good. But I am not sure about a wife or a girlfriend. I don't have that experience.
10 Reply Because humans are social beings?
Its pretty simple my friend, you befriend people because of common interests, common goals, etc.. i’m sure you don’t have a male friend simply because they’re a male, so i doesn’t make sense to not have a woman friend because they’re a woman.
Also, if you can’t befriend a woman, how do you expect to date one? marry one? Shit even have sex with one?
00 ReplyThere’s plenty of reasons.
1. I need someone to dunk on when I’m hooping.
2. They provide the female perspective on things I need
3. They’re more willing to sit through my winey bullshit episodes than my guy friends
I could go on honestly15 Reply- 1 y
So talking? That’s stupid
- 1 y
Who talks to people while they’re taking a dunk?
- 1 y
Advice that won't get you dumped... Gets you laid, though certainly not the expectation. Sometimes you get them laid. They can be fierce allies like mama bears. Love my women friends. Why do you prefer the exclusive company of men?
10 Reply - 1 y
I had a female friend once.
Then we ended up having drunken sex and she started to get really weird and tried to tell me she was pregnant when she wasn't.
It destroyed our relationship and I haven't talked to her since00 Reply 486 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. Same resin you’d have any friend. If you get along with someone well then they make a good friend…I don’t see why physical details matter.
22 Reply- 1 y
Wow that answers are weird even the “support of female Firend” answers.
A woman. Is not going to be your key Into the world of worker bc just like men we are not the same person.
A Woman is not necessarily going to want to hear about your feelings or talk about hers just like men some are more compassionate than others.
A woman may give really sh! try advice about relationships.
W woman just liir any random guy may or may not be fun to hang out with and you may not like a particular woman beyond the fact you are attracted to her just like with some men -but that has nothing to do with every single woman. If and when you meet a woman You didn’t just want to bang I guess you’ll get it. If you’re only talking to women you want to have sex with that heavily narrows the numbers and types of women you’re going to come across, that may account for your confusion,
They offer a completely different perspective on life and are fun.
30 Reply- 1 y
Companionship, obviously. Marriage is supposed to be a lifelong friendship. My parents were friends before they started dating, and that's the way it should be. Before a man and a woman start dating, they should be friends first.
00 Reply I'm a bit confused by the question. You don't need to have a friend of the opposite gender, but on the other hand, gender is no reason not to be friends with someone. If you can find some common ground then a fulfilling friendship is possible, the same way you can be friends with people with different cultures, religions, or political views.
00 Reply980 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. If you had a really good female friend then you would not be confused any longer. She is just like any guy friend that will be there when you need them and she may even smell a little better…. lol
10 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)1 y
The same reason anyone needs friends. Are you really socially awkward or something?
40 Reply You don't. If it happens, it happens. Most women aren't really trying to be men's friends anyway. Only when they want shit really.
00 Reply354 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. Literally the same reason why you'd want a male friend. A friend is just a friend, gender doesn't matter in a friendship.
20 Reply- 1 y
The same as having guy friends. They are all friends. They are all there for friendship.
What is confusing about this?
20 Reply - 1 y
Talk and chill, enjoy life together. Everything doesn't need to be about sex, dude.
20 Reply I see female friendship between a men and a women as drinking coffee with salt ( instead of sugar ).
00 Reply- 1 y
Women are pretty cool. Y wouldn't I be friends with some? I'm friends with some men bc they're cool.
00 Reply There is none unless you like to be the emotional support for her while she screwing someone else
00 ReplyI like women, it's nice to have their thoughts on certain things rather than just the guys.
10 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)1 y
To explain female behaviour, to temper the more extreme aspects of our instincts, to provide us with the motivation to be better.
00 Reply 785 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. A friend is a friend. Regardless of what is between their legs. Unless you try to make something out of it!
00 Reply- 1 y
Objective truth incoming!
There is no reason to befriend or talk to a woman besides sex
00 Reply 946 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. like most friends they are nice to have around and can be funny too
00 Reply- 1 y
What's the use of any friendship? Platonic companionship.
00 Reply To an extent it's the same as why have male friends. Someone to talk to etc.
01 Reply- Anonymous(36-45)1 y
They're prettier to look at when you hang out then men are. Plus, if you find the right ones to befriend, they're less stupid.
00 Reply - 1 y
They’re typically just hoping to get sex lol.
00 Reply - 1 y
If you are confused, I'm pretty sure you don't need a female friendship
00 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)1 y
Because female friends have other female friends duh!
00 Reply - 1 y
they gice good insights too just like men ✊✊✊✊✊✊✊
00 Reply 1.8K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. Says the 35 year old virgin.
10 Reply- 1 y
It's friendship. Friendship is good.
00 Reply Literally nothing.
00 Reply- 1 y
Friends with Benefits they call (ed) it.
00 Reply - 1 y
Why not?
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