How to proceed with a guy who hardly accepts the friendzone?


I have a friend who has always +_ liked me, and I was never responding to his hints …. But he was continuing. So lately a few weeks ago I decided to tell him directly I was embarrassed by his behaviour and that if I wanted something with him would know it for a long time… he said ok and that it was clear now.

But lately I ve been flirting with a guy at a place we use to go together and I see there s clearly rivalry between them. I observed lately that my friend was really getting jealous when we interact, last time he was staring really bad at him and nervous.

My crush is sometimes teasing him (not in a bad way) but my friend is not reacting funny…
These last days my friends sends me a lot of messages and is looking for signs I could reciprocate … but I told him things I don’t understand.

how to proceed?

How to proceed with a guy who hardly accepts the friendzone?
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