So I have been dating this guy for a while now and we ended things two weeks ago but I decided to ring him today and the conversation was interesting we can’t be together due to religion differences which is fair enough but he still wants to see me and sleep with me? I’m going to be totally honest I did say it don’t sit right with me but he was asking me when I’m free this and that I said if I’m available I will answer your call but if I’m busy I won’t. Now tell me someone and be totally honest as I can take criticism am I being stupid here? I feel as if I am I told him we love different I’m the ride or die type of love and he’s taking the easy option. I know he wants to see me for sex but not sure if I should see him? He said we’ve been through stuff together and it’s different there’s emotions involved and I do believe he’s being genuine but he either wants all of me or he can’t have access to me like that?
825 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. He's using you. That is it. It is just sex. He knows he can't be with you in a serious relationship but wants to think with his little head rather than the big one which is most likely empty anyhow. Just cut him off and dont let yourself be used for you body. Plain and simple. Move onto a guy that matches you religion and you have a future with. Why even entertain the idea of someone that you can't ever have a meaningful relationship with and let him use you for sex. To be honest you shouldn't have done this upfront knowing the mine field you were going to get yourself into but best end it now
05 Reply- 8 mo
Thanks girl 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🫶🏽 it’s my heart because I love him but then if I’ve stopped thinking with my heart now.. At one point I was SO in love with this man that I couldn’t even move on but after two weeks of not speaking to him and then speaking to him today which I rang him myself just shows me he’s a little boy and it is TIME to move on
- 8 mo
I just need to figure out how to date someone as I don’t like online dating apps
- 8 mo
Haha definitely! Thank you for your honesty I really appreciate it 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽 it definitely is time to move on :)
Most Helpful Opinions
- 8 mo
There are already good opinions and I'll try not to repeat.
Reading your Details, first thing that come to my mind is Religion vs sex outside marriage.
Which is the greater sin? Fornication or convert? (I think for most religion, both = go hell)
It's quite obvious that neither of you will convert.
And based on my knowledge, the union of two different faiths usually result in added stress to the couple / marriage.
Hence, live by your beliefs. Stay in each's religion, and stop fornicating.
This is the most objective opinion that I can think of. (Don't need to evaluate if he's a player or not.)
10 Reply
446 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. You answered your own question.
He wants you for sex.
You're an object of convenience to him.
If your goals is to have a "ride or die" relationship I can tell you right now:
You will NOT change him. Especially not by sleeping with him.
Best to leave it alone.
On a side note: most religious types are complicated to date if you're not a practitioner of the same faith.
There's no viable middle ground.00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
1.6K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. Guys will usually give as little as possible as long as they can have sex with you.
03 Reply- 8 mo
So do you think I should cut it of completely? Because I also do feel like I’m being stupid
- 8 mo
Followed you back :)
1.5K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. He sounds like a creep.
00 Reply- 6 mo
Pm me babe
00 Reply
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