This guy and I matched on Hinge, both saying we are looking for something serious/intentional dating. He told me that he wants a relationship but is into cuckold stuff also. I told him that I like his energy/personality but let’s just hold off on anything sexual until this even progresses into anything romantic before going that direction. He agreed but then continues to talk sexually with me. Sometimes I did engage in it but I also didn’t try to make it the main topic of all our convos so I usually would change the topic and talk about any and everything else. (Keep in mind this was all through the Hinge app for weeks). He told me that a family member of his passed away — I would say maybe a week ago or some change — so conversation has been a little bit more inconsistent which is also 100% understandable giving that he is grieving. I simply extended my condolences and a listening ear if needed to talk. The few times he has reached out to me since has been sexual once again and now I’m starting to get annoyed. I asked him for his phone number so we can finally get off the dating app — but didn’t answer the question and continued to talk sexual to me. I told him that I don’t want to continue because it sounds like you’re after one thing and inconsiderate of boundaries, plus ignoring my question of wanting his phone number. I partially feel bad since he is grieving but also, 90% of convos have been sexually, after expressing he wants something serious (but says he is a very sexual person). AITA for doing that during his grieving state? Or did I make the right decision because now I’m getting he’s a weirdo and a potential sex addict?
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What Guys Said
As a guy, let me share an opinion from the viewpoint of a guy using dating Apps.
1) Dating Apps nowadays is not about finding a wife (guys viewpoint) because it's flooded with girls selling a service online or in bed.
This lead to many viewing a girl who responded as a Service provider.
2) guys who are "desperate" enough to use dating apps usually lacks social skills and wanting.
Despite being told outright, they still engage in sex talk because they don't know how to express themselves otherwise.
3) fundamentally, these INCELs really want sex with girls but don't know how to win a girl's heart.
Read questions here and you can deduce their personalities.
The above suggests you met a guy who is lacking in self confidence and don't know how to go about changing himself.
Probably no way you can help him without wearing yourself out.
Hence as others suggest, leave.
Assuming you aren't the same anon who posted about the dude they were texting and she called him a "nice guy" and you're just trying to repost it differently, I'll give you an answer:
It sounds like you mean well, but if I were you I would cut it off with him. I can't understand at all how anyone who just lost a family member could be so desperate for sex, unless they weren't particularly close to them and just had a lighter case of grief. Either way, he is persistent with you about sex in something of a neurotic way that even I would be concerned about. Plus he also said he's a very sexual person, which you don't have to be okay with if you don't want.
Sorry for the loss of his family member, but that's not an excuse to bomb somebody with sexual messages. You are not wrong to not want it. Cut him off.
Not the same anon but thanks for the advice!
God you haven't even meet and he's such a piece of work? Im suprised you didn't move on sooner, respect. Not many have such a long attentionspan as you on dating apps but on him it seems wasted.