How to Improve Your Masculinity

How to Improve Your Masculinity Traits traditionally viewed as masculine in society include strength, courage, independence,...
5 70

Regarding the myth that "guys aren't allowed to talk about their feelings"...

So I've heard the claim (exclusively from women) on more than one occasion recently that "men are shamed for talking about their...
3 13

Living a Single Life. My knowledge about it.

Part one. Living single for so long feels good for me. Sometimes I am 50-50, meaning I am sad though Happy. Being Single, you got to...
3 3

HEAVY METAL and the INFLUENCE that come with it?

I really need to point this out. People are starting to point finger at metal because they are under the impression that due to...
4 11

Censorship is preventing desperate people from hearing perspectives that could bring them hope.

I’ve never been a violent person. But I do know what it’s like to be a hopeless, angry, hate-filled young man and how hard it is to find...
0 9

5 things I like from Asian Men!

If you allow me to put K-pop bands aside and talk from experience, I'm going to let you in why the most underrated dating male group is...
4 7

Alpha Males = Myth, Socially Dominant Males = Fact

Alpha Males = Myth. Socially Dominant Males = Fact. I get so sick of hearing about Alpha, Beta, and Omega Men on this website. I would...
27 117

Guys, Crush invited me to smoke weed with him alone?

So my crush asked me to smoke weed with him alone. We don't really talk that much but he suddenly invited me to smoke and he even...

Guys, would you ever date a girl who used to date assholes?

You meet a girl, she seems nice and all, but says she's only dated assholes before. Would that raise a red flag for you, or would you...

Why do guys ignore my follow requests?

Soo there’s a cute guy in one of my classes so i requested to follow him on instagram yesterday and most of the people in our class...

Guys, would you call your girlfriend princess?

imagine you are in late 20s or past it. Would u still do it? I think i'll forever wanna be called that way.

Would anyone pay for revealing photos?

Would you really spend money for them?

Do guys share girls' nude photos with other people? (Without her permission)?

Guys, do you show your friends, nude photos of girls who you had sex with OR are your girlfriend? ~ Do your friends show you nude...
7 44

Guys, Do you find Ashley Graham attractive?

I mean this is her body without Photoshop

What body type do guys find more attractive?

So I guess I’ve always had the mindset that skinny is what guys want. I’ve gained a a few pounds, like 5-8, in the last year which shows...
9 95

When a guy always stares directly at you, but with a blank facial expression?

~ What goes through your mind when you stare at the opposite gender, with a blank expression on your face? (Showing no emotion on...
3 12

Guy had feelings but turned me down. He’s in complicated relationship. He now gets jealous when I’m talking to common male friend. Why so?

What could his jealous behaviour mean? Is it red flag about his personality or does he still has feelings for me and is trying to come...
0 3

Guys, have you ever been in a cock fight?

When 2 male mammals slap each other with their wangs This cock fighting wasn't even fair, you can't fight a 2 incher vs. A 9 incher....

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