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Questions: Guy's Behavior

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If you could understand body language, What would you decipher of these photos?

This couple had been a couple for more than one year, maybe one year and a half. He is 44 and she is maybe 28 or 30. Each time they are photographed together it is the same body stance, the guy in front, the lady behind...
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I need thoughts and opinions. Flirting or not flirting? interested in something or not?

We’re close in age & worked together almost a year. Things have always been friendly and cordial between us, just casual convos and smiles in passing. out of nowhere he’s extra chatty and hanging around more, & seems to...
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What does it mean when a dog howls when you rub them?

My boyfriend and I have been separated for 3 months. I went to his house today to drop some stuff off. His dog was there and when I rubbed him he started to howl. what does that mean?
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How does someone with autism push themselves in life?

I have slight case of autism i find it hard to push myself to male my life better. Like i never dated or drove a car before i also make poor choices in life. I always like being on my own as well i dont like people....
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How do I ask a guy how tall he is respectfully?

Exchanged numbers with my Uber driver he’s cute and whatever but I didn’t know how to ask him how tall he is. Height does matter to me because I am 5’9” but don’t want to be disrespectful to him by just asking
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Whats it like to be a single, childless man over the age of 40 ?

I work with lots of middle aged men and most are married with a family and it has nothing to do with money and looks there's men at my work who are 5ft, fat, bold and aren't the riches and have a very happy family life...
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Why would a guy tell me another girl flirted with him?

Occasionally the guy im talking to tells me about random women who have flirted with him. Not sure why he does that or what’s the point when I never mention other men to him
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Guys, why do you dissappear?

I have been actively speaking to a guy for some time now. He has openly shown that he was interested in me and having a relationship with me. I wanted to take things slow and to get to know one another because I wasn't...
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Is the feeling mutual from him, does he like me in a romantic way?

He once told me, “you are super positive and cheery and i never know what is gonna come out of your mouth it makes me laugh,” and then he hesitated and was like quick to add, “but not in a bad way!” and one day him and i...
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Why is everything so sexual with guys?

Me and this guy have been seeing each other for a couple of weeks. We are not dating or anything, but he always make some type of sexual suggestions. I understand that people would want a guy to find them sexually...
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He really2 see me just as a friend?

His result is out and he pass. He did thank me because of that (cuz we study together and i give all my notes to him. Even subject that i didn’t take now because i already took before also i teach him) And his sentence...
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If a guy always kind of smile and ask "Why are you here" everytime I go and see him, is it good or bad?

We're not dating, more like colleagues. Everytime I just randomly go find him at work place when he's working and I'm not, he always kind of smile (not the big ones) and ask me why am I here. He never sounded...
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... and THEY are the ones who stink the most. Show More
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Who was wrong in each of these scenarios? Why do people keep responding to me like this?

scenario one. I make one innocent joke that my girlfriend cooks like crap. I was totally joking and she said I was a jerk. I said she was lucky to be with me and she is a rude little pig. Just a joke. She then wants to...
scenario one. I make one innocent joke that my girlfriend cooks like crap. I was totally joking and she said I was a jerk. I said she was lucky to be with me and she is a rude little Show More
You are to blame
Person 1 is to blame
Person 2 is to blame
Person 3 is to blame
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When should I reach out to him and how?

I have this guy friend in my friend group who seemed like he was flirting with me, so I told him I’m only interested in friendship, as I don’t feel a spark. He acted fine, but seems a bit distant. I care about him as a...
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Screenshots of pictures?

Do you only screenshot pics sent from your significant other or a woman you’re interested in? Or do you just screenshot any photo from any girl that sends you something?
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