Water Can Heal: Water and Depression, Stress and Anxiety!


Consuming water not only effects our body but also effects our souls. It is said that not drinking enough water reduces life quality. People consume less water as the weather gets colder. And consuming less water leads to loss of concentration and it causes depression.

If you don't want to go out of the bed and don't have any energy to do anything, you are not alone. The reason behind feeling so may be not consuming enough water.

Women should drink 2 and men should drink 2.5 lt of water

Water Can Heal: Water and Depression, Stress and Anxiety!

Our body always needs water. But the amount that your body needs may change person to person, according to their sex, weight, and daily activities. It is said that in general women need 2 and men need 2.5lt of water.

Don't wait to feel thirsty. Drink water as soon as you wake up and before going bed. Another way to prevent depression is to do exercise to help the body produce serotoinin. Don't forget to drink water along exercising.

Consume enough liquids

Do sports, have a helathy diet and consume enough water. That's how you will feed your body and soul.

Water Can Heal: Water and Depression, Stress and Anxiety!
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